A simplified Jira clone built with Angular, ng-zorro and Akita
Framework quét dữ liệu trên Internet hỗ trợ render javascript và quét đa nhiệm
Shopping cart website in Laravel 5.5 with Ajax
This package makes it simple to start building a chatbot in PHP. Give me 10 minutes of your time and I will give you a chatbot starter setup.
The open-source hub to build & deploy GPT/LLM Agents ⚡️
FBbot - Facebook Messenger bot framework for Humans, for Go
A Messenger Bot that chats and gives examples of the various widgets. The Bot is running at
A Vietnamese natural language processing toolkit (NAACL 2018)
Messenger Platform samples for sending and receiving messages. Walk through the Get Started with this code.
Create chat bots for Facebook Messenger, Slack, Amazon Alexa, Skype, Telegram, Viber, Line, GroupMe, Kik and Twilio and deploy to AWS Lambda in minutes
Facebook Messenger Bot Framework for Node.js
Speech and Language Processing, 2nd Edition in PDF format
Speech and Language Processing 3rd edition Vietnamese Translation
Underthesea - Vietnamese NLP Toolkit
Make your Sonoff Switch compatible with Apple Homekit! 🎉
Demo of Apple HomeKit accessory server library
Apple HomeKit accessory server library for ESP-OPEN-RTOS
Alternative firmware for ESP8266 and ESP32 based devices with easy configuration using webUI, OTA updates, automation using timers or rules, expandability and entirely local control over MQTT, HTTP…