This was an assignment to create an application for the Microsoft HoloLens device that provides an augmented reality experience by utilizing the features made available by the Mixed Reality Toolkit.
Video demonstration of final product:
This project was a colloboration between six Trinity College Computer Science students to build and deploy an application on the Microsoft HoloLens. For this project we were in contact with four Microsoft Engineers who would act as our clients.
When the user first launches the application they will see a menu screen which allows them to choose between three different puzzle games: Chess, Jenga, and Tower of Hanoi.
The Chess game allows the user to play against a Chess AI opponent. The opponent is based on a Restful API interface connected to a database of over 5 billion chess positions taken from the games of top chess players.
Jenga allows the user to point and click on a block to remove it. The objective of the game is to remove as many blocks as possible without the tower toppling over.
The Tower of Hanoi game has varying levels of difficulty. The user can play with 3, 5 or 7 disks. The user can pinch and drag pieces between pegs.
Clone the GitHub repository locally
Download and install Unity Hub at
Launch Unity Hub and add the folder MicrosoftHoloLens as a new Project
Use Unity Hub to install Unity version 2019.2 and run the Project with that version
Press the play scene button in the Unity emulator
Open the Project in Unity (see above steps)
Go to File -> Build and Run -> Select the build destination folder -> click Build
Open generated .sln solution in visual studio and build for an x86 architecture