Project using the Pico-W board with VS Code, implementing a simply blinky program. Note that this project requires the Pico SDK 1.5.1.
Configure: cmake --list-presets cmake --preset debug cmake --preset test
Build: cmake --build --list-presets cmake --build --preset app-debug cmake --build --preset app-test
Test: ctest --list-presets ctest --test-dir build/test -R Led_1
"C:/Program Files/SEGGER/JLink/JRun.exe" "--verbose" "--device" "RP2040_M0_0" "--rtt" "-if" "SWD" "--args" "Led_1" "C:/Users/Erich Styger.N0007139/Data/HSLU/Vorlesung/TSM_SoftwEng/git/projects/TSM_PicoW_Blinky/build/test/TSM_PicoW_Blinky.elf"
Worflow: cmake --workflow --list-presets
The project uses the McuLib. The location of the library is specified with the variable 'MCULIB_DIR' in the top-level CMakeLists.txt. The McuLib can be shared with multiple projects.
In order for this project to work, the Rasperry Pi Pico SDK needs to be installed and shall have set two environment variables as below (example below for Windows):
Additionally, the launch config uses a variable pointing to the SEGGER installation, example below for Windows:
The variables can be set on user level.
If using OpenOCD, have a variable pointing to OpenOCD executable too, for example
Install gcovr with
pip install gcovr
On Windows, it is possible that gets installed in a local environment, e.g. C:\Users<user name>\AppData\Local\Packages\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.12_qbz5n2kfra8p0\LocalCache\local-packages\Python312\Scripts and gcovr.exe won't be found. Either use the path or copy gcovr.exe into a path which can be found.
For coverage, enable PL_CONFIG_USE_GCOV in platform.h.
To generate a text report:
gcovr .
To generate a HTML report (directory gcovr must exist):
gcovr --html-details -o ./gcovr/main.html
or use Terminal -> Run Task... -> gcovr
Enable 'PL_CONFIG_USE_UNIT_TESTS' in platform.h
Run JRun manually:
"c:\Program Files\SEGGER\JLink\JRun.exe" --device RP2040_M0_0 -if SWD build/debug-test/TSM_PicoW_Blinky.elf
"c:\Program Files\SEGGER\JLink\JRun.exe" --device RP2040_M0_0 -if SWD --jlinkscriptfile test.JLinkScript build/debug-test/TSM_PicoW_Sensor.elf
"c:\Program Files\SEGGER\JLink\JRun.exe" --device RP2040_M0_0 -if SWD --rtt --jlinkscriptfile src\tests\test_1.JLinkScript build/debug-test/TSM_PicoW_Blinky.elf
Manual test run:
ctest -v --test-dir build/debug-test --timeout 15 --output-on-failure