Django app for a book store
Gradually implemented the following three stories:
Customers can rent the books from the store. The rent changes will be calculated on the basis of the number of books rented and durations for each book it was rented. Per day rental charge is $ 1.
There are three kinds of books: regular, fiction, and novels. For Regular books renting per day
charge is
The store decided to alter the calculations for Regular books and novels. Now for Regular books for the first 2 days charges will be $ 1 per day and $ 1.5 thereafter. Minimum changes will be considered as $ 2 if days rented is less than 2 days. Similarly for Novel minimum charges are introduced as $ 4.5 if days rented is less than 3 days.
Please see the pull requests for the history
The app allows to rent books without specifying the amount of days. The price is calculated based on the amount of days since rent time till today. In the demo user there are "old" records to demonstrate. Or, you can change BookRent.created in Django Admin.
The app is running at
Please use superuser credentials to access Django admin:
username = test_admin password = helloworld123
There is a test user with preset rents, for the demo:
username = daria password = qwerty
Or, you can register your own user.
The tests coverage is at
The swagger is at