This package defines the routines required for computing maximum likelihood estimates and profile likelihoods. The optimisation routines are built around the Optimization.jl interface, allowing us to e.g. easily switch between algorithms, between finite differences and automatic differentiation, and it allows for constraints to be defined with ease. We allow for univariate or bivariate profiles.
To install the package, do
using Pkg
Here is an example of how the package can be used. See the documentation for more examples, where we also show how to compute prediction intervals and bivariate profiles and how to apply these methods to differential equations.
We consider the problem
and our aim is to estimate
using Random, Distributions, StableRNGs
rng = StableRNG(98871)
n = 600
β = [-1.0, 1.0, 0.5, 3.0, 1.0, 1.0]
σ = 0.05
x₁ = rand(rng, Normal(0, 0.2), n)
x₂ = rand(rng, Uniform(-1, 1), n)
x₃ = rand(rng, Normal(0, 1), n)
x₄ = rand(rng, Exponential(1), n)
ε = rand(rng, Normal(0, σ), n)
X = hcat(ones(n), x₁, x₂, x₁ .* x₃, x₄)
βcombined = [β[1], β[2], β[3], β[4], β[5] * β[6]] # so it's a regression problem
y = X * βcombined + ε
The data y
is now our noisy data. Since the residuals are normally distributed, our log-likelihood function is
We can now define the log-likelihood function. To allow for automatic differentiation, we use PreallocationTools.DiffCache
from PreallocationTools.jl.
using PreallocationTools, LinearAlgebra
sse = DiffCache(zeros(n))
βcache = DiffCache(similar(β, length(β) - 1), 10) # -1 because we combine β[5] and β[6]
data = (y, X, sse, n, βcache)
function loglik(θ, data)
σ, β₀, β₁, β₂, β₃, β₄, β₅ = θ
β₄β₅ = β₄ * β₅
y, X, sse, n, β = data
_sse = get_tmp(sse, θ)
_β = get_tmp(β, θ)
_β .= (β₀, β₁, β₂, β₃, β₄β₅)
ℓℓ = -0.5n * log(2π * σ^2)
mul!(_sse, X, _β)
for (yᵢ, sseᵢ) in zip(y, _sse)
ℓℓ -= 0.5 * (yᵢ - sseᵢ)^2 / σ^2
return ℓℓ
We can now define the likelihood problem. We constrain
using ProfileLikelihood, Optimization
θ₀ = ones(7) # initial guess
prob = LikelihoodProblem(loglik, θ₀; data,
lb=[0.0, -Inf, -Inf, -Inf, -Inf, -Inf, -Inf],
ub=fill(Inf, 7),
syms=[:σ, :β₀, :β₁, :β₂, :β₃, :β₄, :β₅])
Now we can finally compute the maximum likelihood estimates and thus the profile likelihoods. Since we have do not have bounds on all the parameters, we need to provide the parameter bounds for profiling ourselves.
using OptimizationNLopt
sol = mle(prob, (NLopt.LN_NELDERMEAD(), NLopt.LD_LBFGS())) # can provide multiple algorithms to run one after the other
prof_lb = [1e-12, -5.0, -5.0, -5.0, -2.0, -5.0, -5.0]
prof_ub = [15.0, 15.0, 15.0, 15.0, 15.0, 15.0, 15.0]
resolutions = [1200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200] # use many points for σ
param_ranges = construct_profile_ranges(sol, prof_lb, prof_ub, resolutions)
prof = profile(prob, sol; param_ranges, parallel=true)
ProfileLikelihoodSolution. MLE retcode: Success
Confidence intervals:
95.0% CI for σ: (0.04855786315837859, 0.05437892987325201)
95.0% CI for β₀: (-1.0018489708905645, -0.9901815711646778)
95.0% CI for β₁: (0.9851645388761775, 1.0263131430542836)
95.0% CI for β₂: (0.4881124597719428, 0.5020910392590251)
95.0% CI for β₃: (2.984798581472374, 3.0285274452115227)
95.0% CI for β₄: (0.9544410678614798, 0.9845140025474981)
95.0% CI for β₅: (0.9849142023375428, 1.015141041743288)
using CairoMakie
fig = plot_profiles(prof,
true_vals=[σ, β...],
axis_kwargs=(width=200, height=200),
xlim_tuples=[(0.048, 0.056), (-1.01, -0.985), (0.97, 1.050),
(0.485, 0.505), (2.97, 3.050), (0.95, 1.05),
(0.95, 1.05)],
ncol=4, nrow=2
) # see the ?plot_profiles docstring for more options
See that, as expected, the profiles for
using StaticArrays
function repar_loglik(θ, data)
σ, β₀, β₁, β₂, β₃, β₄, β₄β₅ = θ
θ′ = @SVector[σ, β₀, β₁, β₂, β₃, β₄, β₄β₅/β₄]
return loglik(θ′, data)
prob = LikelihoodProblem(repar_loglik, θ₀; data,
lb=[0.0, -Inf, -Inf, -Inf, -Inf, 1e-12, -Inf], # 1e-12 to avoid division by zero
ub=fill(Inf, 7),
syms=[:σ, :β₀, :β₁, :β₂, :β₃, :β₄, :β₄β₅])
sol = mle(prob, (NLopt.LN_NELDERMEAD(), NLopt.LD_LBFGS()))
prof_lb[6] = 1e-12
param_ranges = construct_profile_ranges(sol, prof_lb, prof_ub, resolutions)
prof = profile(prob, sol; param_ranges, parallel=true)
fig = plot_profiles(prof,
true_vals=[σ, β...],
axis_kwargs=(width=200, height=200),
xlim_tuples=[(0.048, 0.056), (-1.01, -0.985), (0.97, 1.050),
(0.485, 0.505), (2.97, 3.050), (0.95, 1.05),
(0.99, 1.01)],
ncol=4, nrow=2
We see that the product