This repository contains Python scripts developed by Dallas Formula Racing for the purpose of reading data from a LabJack DAQ into CSV files. These scripts are intended to facilitate data acquisition and logging for data-analysis and manipulation. The labjack device we are using is the LabJackT7Pro, information about this device can be found here:
- Analog Acel:
- Digital Acel:
- Linpot:
- Start a virtual enviornment by running 'python -m venv venv_name_here'
- activate your virtual enviornment
- install the requiremetns, to install the requirements run the command 'pip install -r requirements.txt' this will install all of the necesarry packages for this project. Main handler, contains a single while loop and utilizes the xl and linpot classes to read and record data Data: contains test data from initial runs Read_Xl: Digital sensor code utilizing I2C Read_Xl_Analog: Analog sensor code
- Migration to Streams for analog inputs: This will allow us to sample the linear potentiometers at a higher frequency
- Live Telemtry