DmarClean is a rails based application to analyze and display result of various dmarc report.
git clone
cd dmarclean
ruby -v
The ouput should start with something like ruby 3.3.0
If not, install the right ruby version using rbenv (it could take a while):
rbenv install 3.3.0
Using Bundler, install the dependencies:
bundle install
Copy .env.erb
to .env
- Set the Database related variables
- Generate the Active Record encryption keys with
bundle exec rails db:encryption:init
Create the Database
bundle exec rails db:create
Load the schema (first time only)
bundle exec rails db:schema:load
Apply migrations
bundle exec rails db:migrate db:seed
Load seeds
bundle exec rails db:seed
Reset the database (drop + load schema + seed)
bundle exec rails db:reset
This will start the web server, the worker and Tailwind app. Details are defined in the