This began as a class exercise. I've built on it a lot since then, but here's the original prompt:
This is a two day set of exercises. Parts I is to be completed on Day One. Parts II and III should be finished on Day Two.
Create three new classes to represent a bank account, savings account, and a simple checking account.
The BankAccount class represents a simple checking or savings account at a bank. The balance is represented in USD using the DollarAmount type.
- Implement the
Property Name | Data Type | Get | Set | Description |
AccountNumber | string | X | X | Returns the account number that the account belongs to. |
Balance | decimal | X | private | Returns the balance value of the bank account. |
Method Name | Return Type | Description |
Deposit(decimal amountToDeposit) | decimal | Adds amountToDeposit to the current balance, and returns the new balance of the bank account. |
Withdraw(decimal amountToWithdraw) | decimal | Subtracts amountToWithdraw from the current balance, and returns the new balance of the bank account. |
Transfer(BankAccount destinationAccount, decimal transferAmount) | void | Withdraws transferAmount from this account and deposits it into destinationAccount . |
Constructor | Description |
BankAccount() | A new bank account's balance is defaulted to a 0 dollar balance. |
//Sample Usage
BankAccount b1 = new BankAccount();
BankAccount b2 = new BankAccount();
decimal amountToDeposit = 100.00M;
decimal newBalance = b2.Deposit(amountToDeposit);
decimal amountToTransfer = 50.0M;
b2.Transfer(b1, amountToTransfer);
2. Write unit tests to validate the state and functionality of your public methods.
CheckingAccount extends the BankAccount class you just created, plus the following additional rules:
- Implement the
Override Method | Description |
Withdraw | If the balance falls below $0.00 a $10.00 overdraft fee is also withdrawn from the account. |
Withdraw | Checking account cannot be more than $100.00 overdrawn. If a withdrawal is requested leaving the account more than $100.00, it fails and the balance remains the same. |
2. Write unit tests to verify the functionality of your code.
SavingsAccount extends the BankAccount class you just created, plus the following additional rules:
Override Method | Description |
Withdraw | If the current balance is less than $150.00 when a withdrawal is made, an additional $2.00 service charge is withdrawn from the account. |
Withdraw | If a withdrawal is rquested for more than the current balance, the withdrawal fails and balance remains the same. |
2. Write unit tests to verify the functionality of your code.
This is the Day Two continuation of the Bank Teller Application exercise.
Create a new class that represents a bank customer.
- Create the BankCustomer class to represent a bank customer.
Property Name | Data Type | Get | Set | Description |
Name | string | X | X | Returns the account holder name that the account belongs to. |
Address | string | X | X | Returns the account number that the account belongs to. |
PhoneNumber | string | X | X | Returns the account number that the account belongs to. |
Accounts | BankAccount[] | X | Returns the customer's list of BankAccount objects as an array. |
Method Name | Return Type | Description |
AddAccount(BankAccount newAccount) | void | Adds newAccount to the customer's list of accounts. |
2. Write unit tests to verify the functionality of your code.
Customers whose combined account balances are at least $25,000 are considered VIP customers and receive special privileges.
- Add a
bool IsVIP
property (you may use a function too if you wish) to the bank customer class that returns true if the sum of all accounts belonging to that customer is at least $25,000 and false otherwise.
Write unit tests to verify the functionality of your code.