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DPCscience authored Aug 11, 2019
1 parent 69aabd6 commit 004e3fc
Showing 1 changed file with 194 additions and 0 deletions.
194 changes: 194 additions & 0 deletions DeepGS_Wenlong2017.R
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@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
#' @title Build a genomic selection prediction model using the deep learning technique
#' @description The function applies the deep convolutional neural network to build a prediction model for genomic selection.
#' @param trainMat A genotype matrix (N x M; N individuals, M markers) for training model.
#' @param trainPheno Vector (N * 1) of phenotype for training model.
#' @param validMat A genotype matrix for validing trained model.
#' @param validPheno Vector (N * 1) of phenotype for validing trained model.
#' @param markerImage (String) This gives a "i * j" image format that the (M x1) markers informations of each individual will be encoded.
#'if the image size exceeds the original snp number, 0 will be polished the lack part,
#' if the image size is less than the original snp number, the last snp(s) will be descaled.
#' @param cnnFrame A list containing the following element for convolutional neural network (CNN) framework:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{conv_kernel:} {A vector (K * 1) gives convolutional kernel sizes (width x height) to filter image matrix for K convolutional layers, respectively. }
#' \item{conv_num_filter:} { A vector (K * 1) gives number of convolutional kernels for K convolutional layers, respectively.}
#' \item{pool_act_type:} {A vector (K * 1) gives types of active function will define outputs of K convolutional layers which will be an input of corresponding pool layer,
#' respectively. It include "relu", "sigmoid", "softrelu" and "tanh". }
#' \item{conv_stride:} {A character (K * 1) strides for K convolutional kernel.}
#' \item{pool_type:} {A character (K * 1) types of K pooling layers select from "avg", "max", "sum", respectively.}
#' \item{pool_kernel:} {A character (K * 1) K pooling kernel sizes (width * height) for K pooling layers. }
#' \item{pool_stride:} {A Character (K * 1) strides for K pooling kernels.}
#' \item{fullayer_num_hidden:} {A numeric (H * 1) number of hidden neurons for H full connected layers, respectively.
#' The last full connected layer's number of hidden nerurons must is one. }
#' \item{fullayer_act_type:} {A numeric ((H-1) * 1) selecting types of active function from "relu", "sigmoid", "softrelu" and "tanh" for full connected layers.}
#' \item{drop_float:} {Numeric.}
#' }
#' @param device_type Selecting "cpu" or "gpu" device to construct predict model.
#' @param gpuNum (Integer) Number of GPU devices, if using multiple GPU (gpuNum > 1), the parameter momentum must greater than 0.
#' @param eval_metric (String) A approach for evaluating the performance of training process, it include "mae", "rmse" and "accuracy", default "mae".
#' @param num_round (Integer) The number of iterations over training data to train the model, default = 10.
#' @param array_batch_size (Integer) It defines number of samples that going to be propagated through the network for each update weight, default 128.
#' @param learning_rate The learn rate for training process.
#' @param momentum (Float, 0~1) Momentum for moving average, default 0.9.
#' @param wd (Float, 0~1) Weight decay, default 0.
#' @param randomseeds Set the seed used by mxnet device-specific random number.
#' @param initializer_idx The initialization scheme for parameters.
#' @param verbose logical (default=TRUE) Specifies whether to print information on the iterations during training.
#' @param \dots Parameters for construncting neural networks used in package "mxnet" (\url{}).
#' @author Chuang Ma , Zhixu Qiu, Qian Cheng and Wenlong Ma
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(wheat_example)
#' Markers <- wheat_example$Markers
#' y <- wheat_example$y
#' cvSampleList <- cvSampleIndex(length(y),10,1)
#' # cross validation set
#' cvIdx <- 1
#' trainIdx <- cvSampleList[[cvIdx]]$trainIdx
#' testIdx <- cvSampleList[[cvIdx]]$testIdx
#' trainMat <- Markers[trainIdx,]
#' trainPheno <- y[trainIdx]
#' validIdx <- sample(1:length(trainIdx),floor(length(trainIdx)*0.1))
#' validMat <- trainMat[validIdx,]
#' validPheno <- trainPheno[validIdx]
#' trainMat <- trainMat[-validIdx,]
#' trainPheno <- trainPheno[-validIdx]
#' conv_kernel <- c("1*18") ## convolution kernels (fileter shape)
#' conv_stride <- c("1*1")
#' conv_num_filter <- c(8) ## number of filters
#' pool_act_type <- c("relu") ## active function for next pool
#' pool_type <- c("max") ## max pooling shape
#' pool_kernel <- c("1*4") ## pooling shape
#' pool_stride <- c("1*4") ## number of pool kernerls
#' fullayer_num_hidden <- c(32,1)
#' fullayer_act_type <- c("sigmoid")
#' drop_float <- c(0.2,0.1,0.05)
#' cnnFrame <- list(conv_kernel =conv_kernel,conv_num_filter = conv_num_filter,
#' conv_stride = conv_stride,pool_act_type = pool_act_type,
#' pool_type = pool_type,pool_kernel =pool_kernel,
#' pool_stride = pool_stride,fullayer_num_hidden= fullayer_num_hidden,
#' fullayer_act_type = fullayer_act_type,drop_float = drop_float)
#' markerImage = paste0("1*",ncol(trainMat))
#' trainGSmodel <- train_deepGSModel(trainMat = trainMat,trainPheno = trainPheno,
#' validMat = validMat,validPheno = validPheno, markerImage = markerImage,
#' cnnFrame = cnnFrame,device_type = "cpu",gpuNum = 1, eval_metric = "mae",
#' num_round = 6000,array_batch_size= 30,learning_rate = 0.01,
#' momentum = 0.5,wd = 0.00001, randomseeds = 0,initializer_idx = 0.01,
#' verbose =TRUE)
#' predscores <- predict_GSModel(GSModel = trainGSmodel,testMat = Markers[testIdx,],
#' markerImage = markerImage )

train_deepGSModel <- function(trainMat,trainPheno,validMat,validPheno,markerImage,cnnFrame,device_type = "cpu",gpuNum = "max",
eval_metric = "mae",num_round = 6000,array_batch_size= 30,learning_rate = 0.01,
momentum = 0.5,wd = 0.00001 ,randomseeds = NULL,initializer_idx = 0.01,verbose =TRUE...){
# demo.metric.mae <- mx.metric.custom("mae", function(label, pred) {
# res <- mean(abs(label-pred))
# return(res)
# })
# this function is used to evluate metrics provide a way to evaluate the performance of a learned model.
evalfun <- switch(eval_metric,
accuracy = mx.metric.accuracy,
mae = mx.metric.mae,
rmse = mx.metric.rmse)
# select device type(cpu/gpu) and device number according you computer and task.
if(device_type == "cpu") { device <- mx.cpu()}
if(device_type == "gpu") { ifelse(gpuNum == "max", device <- mx.gpu(),device <- lapply(0:(gpuNum -1), function(i) { mx.gpu(i)}))}

# transform marker matrices into image format
markerImage <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(markerImage,"\\*")))
trainMat <- t(trainMat)
validMat <- t(validMat)
dim(trainMat) <- c(markerImage[1], markerImage[2],1,ncol(trainMat))
dim(validMat) <- c(markerImage[1], markerImage[2],1,ncol(validMat)) <- list(data=validMat, label=validPheno)
# extract Convolution set from the cnn frame list.
conv_kernel <- unlist(strsplit(cnnFrame$conv_kernel,"\\*"))
conv_kernel <- matrix(as.numeric(conv_kernel),ncol = 2,byrow = TRUE)
conv_stride <- unlist(strsplit(cnnFrame$conv_stride,"\\*"))
conv_stride <- matrix(as.numeric(conv_stride),ncol = 2,byrow = TRUE)
conv_num_filter <- cnnFrame$conv_num_filter
pool_act_type <- cnnFrame$pool_act_type
pool_type <- cnnFrame$pool_type
pool_kernel <- unlist(strsplit(cnnFrame$pool_kernel,"\\*"))
pool_kernel <- matrix(as.numeric(pool_kernel),ncol = 2,byrow = TRUE)
pool_stride <- unlist(strsplit(cnnFrame$pool_stride,"\\*"))
pool_stride <- matrix(as.numeric(pool_stride),ncol = 2,byrow = TRUE)
drop_float <- cnnFrame$drop_float
if(nrow(conv_kernel) != length(conv_num_filter) ||nrow(conv_kernel)!= nrow(conv_stride)|| nrow(conv_kernel)!= length(pool_act_type)){
stop("Error: a convolutional layer is only matched with one convolution kernel set one stride,and one activation." )
if( nrow(conv_kernel) != nrow(pool_kernel)){
stop("Error: the number of convolutional layers must equal the number of pooling layers." )
if(nrow(pool_kernel)!= nrow(pool_stride) || nrow(pool_kernel) != length(pool_type)){
stop("Error: pooling framwork is inconsistent" )
# extract full connect set from the cnn frame list.
fullayer_num_hidden <- cnnFrame$fullayer_num_hidden
fullayer_act_type <- cnnFrame$fullayer_act_type
if(length(fullayer_num_hidden) - length(fullayer_act_type) != 1){
stop("Error: the last full connected layer don't need activation.")
conv_layer_num <- nrow(conv_kernel)
fullayer_num <- length(fullayer_num_hidden)
if(fullayer_num_hidden[fullayer_num] != 1){
stop("Error: the last full connected layer's number of hidden nerurons must is one.")
if(length(drop_float)- length(fullayer_num_hidden) != 1){
stop("Error: the number of dropout layers must one more layer than the full connected layers.")
# set Convolution frame
data <- mx.symbol.Variable('data')
for(cc in 1:conv_layer_num){
if(cc == 1){
assign(paste0("conv",cc),mx.symbol.Convolution(data= data, kernel=conv_kernel[cc,],stride=conv_stride[cc,], num_filter= conv_num_filter[cc])) #Convolution layer
}else if(cc > 1){
assign(paste0("conv",cc),mx.symbol.Convolution(data= get(paste0("pool",cc-1)), kernel=conv_kernel[cc,],stride=conv_stride[cc,], num_filter= conv_num_filter[cc])) #Convolution layer

assign(paste0("conv_Act",cc), mx.symbol.Activation(data= get(paste0("conv",cc)), act_type= pool_act_type[cc])) ### active function
assign(paste0("pool",cc),mx.symbol.Pooling(data= get(paste0("conv_Act",cc)), pool_type= pool_type[cc] ,
kernel= pool_kernel[cc,], stride= pool_stride[cc,])) # pool layer
# set full connect frame
drop_initial <- mx.symbol.Dropout(data = get(paste0("pool",conv_layer_num)),p =drop_float[1])
fullconnect_initial <- mx.symbol.Flatten(data= drop_initial)
for(ss in 1:max(c(fullayer_num -1,1))){
if(ss == 1){
assign(paste0("fullconnect_layer",ss),mx.symbol.FullyConnected(data= fullconnect_initial, num_hidden= fullayer_num_hidden[ss]))

} else if(ss > 1){
assign(paste0("fullconnect_layer",ss),mx.symbol.FullyConnected(data= get(paste0("drop_layer",ss -1)), num_hidden= fullayer_num_hidden[ss]))
if(fullayer_num == 1){
assign(paste0("drop_layer",ss),mx.symbol.Dropout(data= get(paste0("fullconnect_layer",ss)), p = drop_float[ss +1]))
# performed below when more than more than one full connnect layer
if(fullayer_num > 1){
assign(paste0("fullconnect_Act",ss), mx.symbol.Activation(data= get(paste0("fullconnect_layer",ss)), act_type= fullayer_act_type[ss]))
assign(paste0("drop_layer",ss),mx.symbol.Dropout(data= get(paste0("fullconnect_Act",ss)), p = drop_float[ss +1]))

# performed below when more than one full connnect layer
if(fullayer_num > 1){
assign(paste0("fullconnect_layer",fullayer_num),mx.symbol.FullyConnected(data= get(paste0("drop_layer",ss)), num_hidden= fullayer_num_hidden[fullayer_num]))
assign(paste0("drop_layer",fullayer_num),mx.symbol.Dropout(data= get(paste0("fullconnect_layer",fullayer_num)), p = drop_float[fullayer_num +1]))

# cnn network
cnn_nerwork <- mx.symbol.LinearRegressionOutput(data= get(paste0("drop_layer",fullayer_num)))
cnn.object <- mx.model.FeedForward.create(cnn_nerwork, X=trainMat, y=trainPheno, =,
ctx= device, num.round= num_round, array.batch.size=array_batch_size,
learning.rate=learning_rate, momentum=momentum, wd=wd,
eval.metric= evalfun,initializer = mx.init.uniform(initializer_idx),
verbose = verbose,
epoch.end.callback=mx.callback.early.stop(bad.steps = 600,verbose = verbose))

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