- OS:Ubuntu16.04 or Ubuntu18.04
- ROS: kinetic or Melodic
- Depend:octomap_server, gridmap
- git clone
- catkin_make
- according error to apt install lib:sudo apt-get install ros-[dist]-[xxx]
- custom msg for semantic pointcloud
- fun: fusion pointcloud and semantic img, output semantic pointcloud
- input: raw pointcloud, raw semantic img, calibration matrix, semantic confidence
- output: semantic pointcloud
- fun: based on the input semantic point cloud and localization information, real-time construction of a local semantic 3D voxel map centered around the vehicle, which is then projected into a 2D cost map for subsequent local path planning
- input: fusion semantic pointcloud, location tf
- output: semantic 3D voxel map, 2D costmap
- fun: incorporate DWA (Dynamic Window Approach) for local planning based on the 2D costmap, with DWA introducing semantic costs. The planning process minimizes semantic costs.
- input: 2D costmap, ego status
- output: ego control signals
This project does not provide a model for the semantic segmentation node. You can use any real-time semantic segmentation model of your choice.
- Only mapping, you can record dataset
- dataset topics:/raw_img, /raw_lidar, /tf,/semantic_img, /semantic_confidence
- start fusion node:roslaunch lidar_camera_fusion lidar_camera_fusion_no_msg_sem.launch
- start mapping node:roslaunch octomap_generator octomap_generator.launch
- fusion + mapping:roalaunch octomap_generator octomap_generator_mapping_scout.launch
- This project does not provide a simulation. I used a vehicle directly at the time.(Agilex Scout)
- roalaunch sem_dwa_planner sem_dwa_planner.launch
- start nodes in vehicle:
- all sensor nodes
- fusion node:
- mapping node:
- planning node:
- set a point in rviz
- roalaunch sem_dwa_planner sem_dwa_planner_tf_rviz.launch