npm install react-cool-datetime
Dates are not hard to validate, but they are annoying in that they rely heavily on context. What I mean by that is that the 29th is generally a valid day of the month - except when is February of a non-leap year... therefore the validity of the day of a month is based on the month and year which depending on the order you specify these whilst typing may or may not even be specified yet.
This creates problems when you split the input of a day up into its consituent parts, because '29' will probably be valid - until in the next field you specify that its 'Feburary' but then it might still be valid, but not if the year you enter is 2021. This means that validation cannot full be performed until you have a fully qualified day of month, month and year.
It is true that partial validation is possible - for example you can't have the 32nd of any month (of the Gregorian calendar) - so perhaps the best solution is to make the whole validation a two phase affair? Or is that just making things two complex?
So the solution? Well here is the one chosen by this implementation:
- A DateTime control starts of with a default valid DateTime;
- This is displayed in the input-parsing part of the control and selected in the dropdown;
- This is only ever updated in two cases:
- The user selects a new date using the picker - where only valid dates can be (by definition) selected;
- The user enters a valid date into the input-parsing part of the control and confirms it - by hitting
- An optional class will indicate that the value in the input-parsing part of the control is invalid;
- [POSSIBLY] Removing focus from that field will attempt to automatically confirm the date change;
- As the value in the input-parsing part of the control is changed the date-picker will automatically update to show the parsed date;
- Selection
- Full support for undefined dates throughout;
- Year selection on dropdown (type or select?);
- Month selection on dropdown (type of select?);
- Date parsing built from components;
- Text input:
- MMM component;
- MMMM component;
- st/nd/rd/th suffix???:
- Thursday, [14]th of [September] [2020] at [11]:[00]:[12] [AM]
- day output?
- Time:
- HH
- h
- mm
- m
- ss
- Free form text
- Click to change year;
- Click to change month;
- Option to not have a drop down;
- Disabling days:
- Ability to enable, disable days in picker;
- Ability to set min and max dates;
- Array of function that return true (day enabled), false (day disabled) or undefined (continue iteration of functions).
BUG: If you select 29 of March 2021 and go down on the month then it will not select February... :(Improved hierarchy where the contents of the date picker are calculated once (and cached) at the top level then cascaded to lower-level. This will allow the picker to be readily replaced with other bits as necessary (two/three months) or an entire year...BUG: Clear the YYYY field and you'll get 0NaNToday indicator;Separator support;Up/down arrows in input control;Today button;Could we select the 'best' date picker month/year by ignoring the dom/month if they made the date invalid???So build dom/month/year if invalid then use 1/month/year if invalid then build 1/1/year??? Otherwise show today?
Selected day indicatorBasic implementationImplement the date picker dropdown using a full CSS grid;