Check out my blog here:
- Hi! I design and build open source Eurorack modules!
- I'm currently a one person team and have built synth modules as a hobby since 2019 with no formal education on electronics design. Anyone can design and build synth modules! I'm here to help you!
- I'll be sharing source files of my projects here. Documentation for the builds are also included.
- I try to be as thorough as possible in my design documentation, hopefully these would demistify how the modules work (and possibly give you the ideas to be able to create your own designs).
- Electric Druid VCDO1 Chip Eurorack Module (Documentation In Progress)
- 3340 VCO (Prototype In Progress)
- 3320 Low Pass VCF (Documentation in progress)
- AS2164 Quad Exponential VCA (Documentation In Progress)
- AS3330 Dual Lin/Exp VCA (Prototype In Progress)
- Electric Druid VCLFO (backlog)
- AS3310 VC ADSR (Documentation in progress)
- Multi Saturation (Working on Rev 0.2)
- PT2399 Delay (Documentation in progress)
- EuroBusboard8 (IDC8 Tested and working, Documentation incomplete)