The Mnemonic package provides a flexible and customizable way to encode data into a mnemonic word list. It implements the BIP-0039 specification using big.Int
, allowing for the use of arbitrary entropy sizes.
BIP-0039 Specification: The implementation adheres to the BIP-0039 specification, providing compatibility with various cryptographic systems.
Arbitrary Entropy Sizes: This package allows users to work with arbitrary entropy sizes, providing flexibility in encoding different types of data.
Number Obfuscation: For enhanced usability with IDs, the package offers optional number obfuscation. This feature uses Modular Multiplicative Inverse to convert the provided number into a seemingly random number before generating the mnemonic word list using
To use this package in your Go project, run the following command:
go get
All Examples can be found in the go docs or examples_test.go
package main
import (
func main() {
// Example usage with a number
id := int32(1)
words := mnemonic.FromInt(id)
obfuscatedWords := mnemonic.FromInt32WithObfuscation(id)
// Output: [abandon abandon about]
// [learn island zoo]
// Example usage with a word list
obfuscatedWords := []string{"learn", "island", "zoo"}
deobfuscatedUint, err := mnemonic.ToUint32WithDeobfuscation(obfuscatedWords)
if err != nil {
// Output: 1