Releases: DEM0NAssissan7/desktop-icons-neo
2.0 BETA 3
Fixed a few bugs that have to do with new APIs. Fixed a bug where it won't set desktop-directory if its value is 'null'. Polished up some code, too.
Release 1.4.2 LTS
Fixed a bug where desktop-directory would not be set if the value is 'null', corrected some formatting issues, and polished README.
Release 1.4.1 LTS
Took out all the old APIs, removed network drives, and added desktop directory. Also fixed some pretty bad bugs.
2.0 BETA 2
Didn't release the first one because... I forgot to. Anyways go ahead and test out this version and make sure everything is fine and dandy, bug-less and all. Report/fix any bugs you find. Also, no new features will be added beyond this point. Only bug fixes (until release, of course). Cheers!
Release 1.4 LTS
First LTS Release of Desktop Icons Neo. Based on version 1.4. For use with stable OSes like Ubuntu or Debian. Will be supported and catered to as long as the project is alive. I will not add any new features for this LTS, because all new features will be pushed to the main project.
Release 1.3
Among other things, changed default icon shape to square
Release 1.2.1
This is the mainstream version of the extension. This is considered a 'stable' release. This has most of the intended features that were intended for the extension.