- 8500.2 controls compiled from github content
- 800-53 controls from nist
- U_CCI_List comes from the IASE website:
- controlMapping is generated by tables on the RMF Knowledge Service
https://rmfks.osd.mil/rmf/General/SecurityControls/Pages/Comparisonof85002and800-53.aspx https://rmfks.osd.mil/rmf/_layouts/download.aspx?SourceURL=https://rmfks.osd.mil/rmf/SiteResources/References/Reference%20Library/DoDI%208500.2-%20NIST%20SP%20800-53%20Rev%204%20Crosswalk_12_22_14.xlsx
To regenerate the HTML files with each DISA STIG Release, execute the following in PowerShell:
Generate the control mapping file based off the 85002 to 800-53 Excel spreadsheet provided by the RMF Knowledge Service.
From the Excel file, remove first two lines and save as CSV with headers...then execute the following powershell
[xml]$cm = New-Object system.Xml.XmlDocument;
$cm.LoadXml('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?><controlMapping><control /></controlMapping>');
$source = import-csv 'DoDI 8500.2- NIST SP 800-53 Rev 4 Crosswalk_12_22_14.csv';
foreach($s in $source){
($s.'NIST SP 800-53 Rev 4 Security Control Acronym' -replace ',',';' -replace ':',';').Trim() -split ';' | ? { $_.trim() -ne '' } | %{
$control = $cm.createelement("control");
$rmf = $cm.createelement("rmf");
$rmfText = $cm.CreateTextNode( $($_.trim()) );
$rmf.AppendChild($rmfText) | out-null;
$diacap = $cm.createelement("diacap");
$diacapText = $cm.CreateTextNode( $($s.'DoDI 8500.2 Security Control Acronym').trim() ) ;
$diacap.AppendChild($diacapText) | out-null;
$cm.controlMapping.AppendChild($control) | out-null;
- Generate the Configuration file (lists available STIGS) based off all the stigs available in a single folder. From the folder with the STIGS, execute
[xml]$c= New-Object system.Xml.XmlDocument
$c.LoadXml('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?><configurations><menu><item file-ref=""></item></menu></configurations>')
ls | sort -property name | ? { $_.name -like '*xccdf*' } | % {
$stigXml = ([xml](gc $($_.name)))
$fileref = $_.basename;
$stig_title = $stigXml.Benchmark.title
$selectTitle = $stig_title -replace 'Security Technical Implementation Guide','' -replace '(STIG)','' -replace 'Benchmark','' -replace 'Security Implementation Guide','' -replace 'Security Requirements Guide','' -replace '\(SRG\)',''
$selectTitle += ' - V' + $stigXml.Benchmark.version
$selectTitle += 'R' + $( ($stigXml.Benchmark.'plain-text'.'#text' -replace 'Release: ','' ) -split 'Date:' | select -first 1)
$selectTitle = $selectTitle -replace 'Benchmark',''
if($_.name -like '*benchmark*'){
$selectTitle += ' (Benchmark)'
$selectTitle += ' (STIG)'
$selectTitle = $selectTitle -replace '\(\)',' '
$selectTitle = $selectTitle -replace '[ ]+',' '
write-host $selectTitle
$item = $c.createelement("item")
$item.SetAttribute("file-ref", $fileref) | out-null
$item.SetAttribute("stig-title", $stig_title) | out-null
$xmlText = $c.CreateTextNode($selectTitle)
$item.AppendChild($xmlText) | out-null
$c.configurations.menu.AppendChild($item) | out-null
$item = $c.createelement("item")
$item.SetAttribute("file-ref", '8500controls') | out-null
$item.SetAttribute("stig-title", "8500-2") | out-null
$xmlText = $c.CreateTextNode('8500-2')
$item.AppendChild($xmlText) | out-null
$c.configurations.menu.AppendChild($item) | out-null
$item = $c.createelement("item")
$item.SetAttribute("file-ref", '80053controls') | out-null
$item.SetAttribute("stig-title", "800-53") | out-null
$xmlText = $c.CreateTextNode('800-53')
$item.AppendChild($xmlText) | out-null
$c.configurations.menu.AppendChild($item) | out-null
- Transform from xml/xsl to HTML with the following code, after the configurationfile has been updated
function processXslt {
[string] $xslPath,
$argParms = $null
if($argParms -ne $null){
$arglist = new-object System.Xml.Xsl.XsltArgumentList
$argParms.keys | % {
$arglist.AddParam($_, "", $argParms.$_);
$arglist = $null;
$xmlContent = [string](gc $xmlPath)
$inputstream = new-object System.IO.MemoryStream
$xmlvar = new-object System.IO.StreamWriter($inputstream)
$xmlvar.Write( $xmlContent)
$inputstream.position = 0
$xmlObj = new-object System.Xml.XmlTextReader($inputstream)
$output = New-Object System.IO.MemoryStream
$xslt = New-Object System.Xml.Xsl.XslCompiledTransform
$reader = new-object System.IO.StreamReader($output)
$resolver = New-Object System.Xml.XmlUrlResolver
$xslSettings = New-Object System.Xml.Xsl.XsltSettings($false,$true)
$xslSettings.EnableDocumentFunction = $true
$xslt.Load($xslPath,$xslSettings, $resolver)
$xslt.Transform($xmlObj, $arglist, $output)
$output.position = 0
$transformed = [string]$reader.ReadToEnd()
return $transformed
ls | ? { $_.name -like '*xccdf*'} | ? { $_.extension -eq '.xml' } | % {write-host $_.basename; processXslt -xmlPath ($_.name) -xslPath "$($pwd)\STIG_unclass.xsl" | set-content "$($_.basename).html";}
processXslt -xmlPath "$($pwd)\80053controls.xml" -xslPath "$($pwd)\80053_controls_unclass.xsl" | set-content "80053controls.html"
processXslt -xmlPath "$($pwd)\8500controls.xml" -xslPath "$($pwd)\8500_controls_unclass.xsl" | set-content "8500controls.html"