This repository holds an Equivariant Graph Neural Network (EGNN) + Transformer-Encoder model used for end-to-end ANI-1 molecular potential prediction. Instructions for training and evaluation of the model could be found in sections below.
The goal of this project is to achieve accurate molecular potential prediction for the ANI-1 data set. The model presented in this repository use a Pre-trained3 E(n) equivariant neural network1, which becomes invariant in our case when dealing with objects with static positions, as well as an transformer encoder to capture both the local and global interactions between the nodes to achieve accurate molecular properties predictions.
Note: The repository name was proposed for simplicity reasons. The model presented is not a Graph-Transformer in a traditional meaning, which utilizes transformer architecture to perform calculation directly on graph data (Nodes + Edges).
The complete process and workflow of data-processing, model architecture creation, model training and results with detailed documentation can be found in main.ipynb.
- Data Preparation: Place your dataset in the
folder. Adjust the necessary parameters in theconfig.yaml
file. - Data Reading and Splitting: The model imports coordinates, atom species, and energies from the files in
. It then divides the data into training/validation/test subsets as defined in the configuration. - Pre-Processing: Additional pre-processing was executed including initial node embeddings by atom type, subtraction of self interaction energy from the total energy etc.
- Data Packaging: Organize the processed data into
to create atrain_loader
, which is then ready for the training process. - Training Setup: Training function configured using parameters specified in the configuration file.
- Normalization: Scale the target data (y-values) with user specified scaling factor.
- Logging and Output: Set up a logging function, file writing, and TensorBoard writer for monitoring the training process.
- Model Training: Train the model batch-wise and save the model parameters with the lowest validation loss. For evaluation, the y-values are re-scaled back using the scaling value.
- Evaluation on Test Set: Use the best-performing model to evaluate the test set and analyze the results.
gpu: gpu # Custom name for gpu device
lr: 2e-4 # Maximum learning rate
min_lr: 1e-7 # Minimum learning rate
weight_decay: 0.0 # Weight decay param
epochs: 20 # Epochs
warmup_epochs: 0.1 # Ratio of warm up epochs
patience_epochs: 0.9 # Ratio of pateince epochs
log_every_n_steps: 250 # Frequency of logging
# Load_model: None
load_model: models/pretrained_egnn.pth
scale_value: 300 # Energy scaling factor
normalize_energies: false # Energy normalization
log_transformation: false # Log transformation on energies
freeze_epochs: 0 # Freeze EGCl by epochs, depreciated and not deleted in code
# EGNN/EGCL Parameters
hidden_channels: 256 # Number of hidden_channels
num_edge_feats: 0 # Number of additional edge features
num_egcl: 2 # Number of EGCL layers
act_fn: SiLU # Activation function
residual: True # Residual calculation
attention: True # Graph Attention mechanism
normalize: True # Interatomic distance normalization
cutoff: 4 # Interatomic distance curoff
max_atom_type: 28 # Max atom types
max_num_neighbors: 32 # Max number of neighborgoods
static_coord: True # Specify whether to update coord or not
freeze_egcl: True # Whether or not to freeze weights of egcls
# Transformer-Encoder Parameters
d_model: 256 # Embeddings for each token
num_encoder: 1 # Number of encoder units
num_heads: 8 # Number of self-attention heads
num_ffn: 256 # Number of neurons in the feedforward MLP
act_fn_ecd: ReLU # Activation function for encoder MLP
dropout_r: 0.1 # Dropout rate
# Energy Head
num_neuron: 512 # NUmber of neurons for the final energy head
batch_size: 256 # Batch size
num_workers: 8 # Number of workers for data loaders
valid_size: 0.1 # Validation set size
test_size: 0.1 # Test set size
data_dir: './Data' # Data directory
seed: 42 # Random seed
make create-env # Create conda environment
conda activate EGTF_env # Activate conda environment
conda deactivate # Deactivate the environment
make delete-env # Delete the conda envrionment
If error was found during the installation of torch_geometric related packages, it could be due to outdated compilers. Consider updating your compiler version, for example on linux: conda update gxx_linux-64 gcc_linux-64
To train the model using custom data, place the data in the ./Data folder. Change the config.yaml
file accordingly, and input the following into the command line:
conda activate EGTF_env # Activate environment
python3 # Run python training script
conda deactivate # Deactivate the environment
make delete-env # Delete the conda envrionment
To evaluate the model from a specific run using custom data, place the data in the ./Data_eval folder, and input the following into the command line:
conda activate EGTF_env # Activate environment
python3 Runs_savio/$SPECIFIC_RUN
conda deactivate # Deactivate the environment
make delete-env # Delete the conda envrionment
This will load the pre-trained model architecture, parameters, and normalizer from that specific run, and perform evaluation on 10% of the Data in Data_eval.
- V. G. Satorras et al., E(n) Equivariant Graph Neural Networks. [Paper] [GitHub]
- A. Vaswani et al., Attention is All You Need. [Paper]
- Y. Wang et al., Denoise Pre-training on Non-equilibrium Molecules for Accurate and Transferable Neural Potentials.
[Paper] [GitHub] - J. S. Smith et al., ANI-1: An extensible neural network potential with DFT accuracy at force field computational cost.
[Paper] [GitHub] - J. S. Smith et al., ANI-1, A data set of 20 million calculated off-equilibrium conformations for organic molecules.