Works on your desktop, your iPhone, and your Android device. Just go to
Watch the bus/train move in realtime on a map. Also see how fast (or slow) it is moving. This bus between Chinatown and Techridge is moving South at 39 mph.
CapMetro provides realtime data for these routes:
- 801 North MetroRapid
- 801 South MetroRapid
- 550 North MetroRail
- 550 South MetroRail
- People don't ride the bus because it can seem unreliable: buses arrive anytime from 10 minutes before their scheduled time to 20 minutes after
- The solution to that is real-time data
- But if the real-time data is hard to access, people won't use it
- The MetroRapid (801) and MetroRail (550) routes have real-time data
- Only CapMetro's official app have access to that real-time data
- But, CapMetro's app is hard to use. See CapMetroApp: When should I take the bus home?
We reverse engineered CapMetro's app to find out how they were getting real-time data. Then we documented the hidden/secret CapMetro API. We then used that API and built an Android app that shows real-time arrivals for MetroRapid and MetroRail, really quickly.
Step 1. Select A Route And Direction
 had problems working with the Google Maps API. We've chosen to move in the direction of open data, and now instead use OpenStreetMaps. This webapp replaces MetroRappid for Android.
We're relying on Yahoo! Query Language to provide a backend that allows us to talk to CapMetro's API (avoiding CORS issues). This is a hacky and unreliable solution. You should encourage CapMetro to make their API more easily accessible.
CapMetro only updates the vehicle location every 30-90 seconds. You should encourage them to provide more accurate realtime data.
We really need help making this app awesome. We use GitHub issues to track bugs, features, and ideas. Issues that we think are important/can use help are tagged as help wanted
. You can filter by the help wanted
Run gulp deploy
when submitting a pull request. This packages up the .js and .css files.
Clone the repo and checkout the dev
git clone
cd MetroRappid
git checkout -b dev origin/dev
Install dependencies through npm and browserify:
npm install
Serve the directory with gulp:
gulp serve
To deploy:
gulp clean
gulp build
gulp deploy
- Mayhaps you?
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