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A Venus Exploration Technology Demostration.


Humans have been intrigued by the question of whether life exists out there since our inception. That fundamental curiosity inspired great people to go where no man has gone before. Venus is one such planet which is worth the visit. Venus has super high temperature density layers and super-rotation, where winds speeds are 60 times the speed of rotation of earth. Despite the harsh conditions on the surface, things are fine just about 50 km above surface level. Hence, the upper atmosphere is a suitable place for conducting science experiments. A Balloon based Satellite with IMUs and other sensors could help discover the unknowns of Venus. A technology demonstration on Earth would be ideal to prototype and test the systems before arriving on Venus.


  1. Planetary Science: Using IMUs, Barometers and a suite of others to extract information about it’s proximity and further which could help find the answers.
  2. Space Exploration:
  3. Meteorology: At this scale a Balloon-Sat can be used a conventional Weather Data collector for the IMD (Indian Meteorological Dept).
  4. Proof of Concept: Realization of this design for Venus and similar planetary explorations.

Systems Design

Sequence of Events


A technology demonstration for Venus Exploration Mission






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