Just a list of newsletters that I really like.
- https://www.wearedevelopers.com/about/newsletter/
- General development
- https://www.jetbrains.com/lp/php-annotated/
- Everything PHP and PhpStorm
- https://thoughtworks.com/radar#subscribe
- Just everything
- https://www.phpweekly.com/
- Everything PHP
- https://offbynone.io/
- Everything serverless
- https://golangweekly.com/
- Everything Go
- https://javascriptweekly.com/
- Everything JavaScript
- https://typescript-weekly.com/
- Everything TypeScript
- https://css-weekly.com/
- Everything CSS
- https://nodeweekly.com/
- Everything Node.js
- https://frontendfoc.us/
- Everything related to frontend development
- https://ui.dev/
- Frontend, but fun
- https://www.buildingmicrofrontends.com/
- Everything micro frontends
- https://ecmascript.news/
- Everything ECMA script
- https://www.smashingmagazine.com/the-smashing-newsletter/
- Smashing news about frontend and UX
- https://softwareleadweekly.com/
- People, culture, and leadership in IT
- https://www.devopsweekly.com/
- Everything DevOps
- https://frontendatscale.com/
- Frontend architecture news