PNC can be accessed from NIH, and ABCD can be accessed from NIMH Data Archive.
For those who can not access ABCD and PNC dataset, we also provide an open-source dataset, ABIDE. Please follow the instruction to download and process this dataset.
python --config_filename setting/pnc_fbnetgen.yaml
python --config_filename setting/abcd_fbnetgen.yaml
python --config_filename setting/abide_fbnetgen.yaml
All hyper parameters can be tuned in setting files.
# For the model type, there are 3 choices: "seq", "gnn" or "fbnetgen".
type: fbnetgen
# For the feature extractor, there are 2 choices: "gru" or "cnn".
extractor_type: gru
# For the feature extractor, there are 2 choices: "product" or "linear".
# We suggest to use "product", since it is faster.
graph_generation: product
# Two hyperparameters are tuned in our paper.
embedding_size: 8
window_size: 8
# For training method, there are 2 choices: "normal" or "bilevel".
# "bilevel" will be in effect only if the model.type is set as "fbnetgen"
# We suggest to use "normal".
method: normal
# If the model.type is set as "gnn", this hyper parameter will be in effect.
# There are 2 choices: "uniform" or "pearson".
pure_gnn_graph: pearson