Connection Issue #151
Thank you for sharing this wonderful tool. I'm not a strong programmer, so your code and example are invaluable for me to get up the learning curve, to hopefully implement some computer-driven strategies on BFX.
The example code worked pretty well for a few hours yesterday, but started throwing the following logging warning a few hours in:
INFO:btfxwss.connection:Connection opened
INFO:btfxwss.connection:Initialized Client on API Version 2
INFO:btfxwss.connection:Attempting to connect again in 10 seconds.
INFO:btfxwss.connection:Connection opened
INFO:btfxwss.connection:_on_open(): Connection reconnected, re-subscribing..
INFO:btfxwss.connection:Initialized Client on API Version 2
INFO:btfxwss.connection:Attempting to connect again in 10 seconds.
INFO:btfxwss.connection:Connection opened
... and so on. Still does this today.
It starts after the wss.start() line in the example. I have tried it on two different platforms in two different locations, so that's not an issue. Could it be an issue on the Bitfinex side or something else?
Many thanks!