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AWS EC2 Image Builder components to create golden images for Linux and Windows


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AWS EC2 Image Builder Component for CrowdStrike Falcon Sensor

This repository contains AWS EC2 Image Builder components for Linux and Windows that install and configure the CrowdStrike Falcon sensor, preparing it as a golden image for your AWS environment.

The components automate the installation of the CrowdStrike Falcon sensor on an EC2 instance during the image building process. They're designed to be the final step in your image pipeline to ensure proper configuration and prevent interference from system reboots.

Table of Contents


Before using this component, ensure the following requirements are met:

  1. API Credentials: Store your CrowdStrike API credentials securely in either AWS Secrets Manager or AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store as SecretStrings.


For more information on generating API keys and storing them securely, see API Credentials below.

  1. IAM Permissions: The IAM role used for the Image pipeline must have the necessary IAM permissions to access the stored credentials.

API Credentials

The component uses the CrowdStrike API to download the sensor onto the target instance. It is highly recommended that you create a dedicated API client for the this component.

Generate API Keys

  1. In the CrowdStrike console, navigate to Support and resources > API Clients & Keys. Click Add new API Client.

  2. Add the following API scopes:

    Scope Permission Description
    Installation Tokens READ Allows the component to pull installation tokens from the CrowdStrike API.
    Sensor Download READ Allows the component to download the sensor from the CrowdStrike API.
    Sensor update policies READ Allows the component to read sensor update policies from the CrowdStrike API.
  3. Click Add to create the API client. The next screen will display the API CLIENT ID, SECRET, and BASE URL. You will need all three for the next step.



This page is only shown once. Make sure you copy CLIENT ID, SECRET, and BASE URL to a secure location.

Base URL Mapping

The CrowdStrike API base URL is determined by the region where your CrowdStrike tenant is hosted. Use the following table to map the CrowdStrike API base URL to the Cloud Region to be used by the component:

BASE URL CLOUD REGION us-1 us-2 eu-1 us-gov-1

Store API Credentials

Store the CrowdStrike API credentials in AWS Secrets Manager or AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store as SecretStrings. The component will use these credentials to authenticate with the CrowdStrike API.


When storing API credentials in Secrets Manager or Parameter Store, ensure they are stored in the same AWS Region where the Image Pipeline will execute from.

Using AWS Secrets Manager

To use Secrets Manager as your secret backend, you must enter SecretsManager as the value for the SecretStorageMethod parameter when using the component.

Use the following as an example to create a secret with the following key/value pairs:

Key Value Example
ClientId The CLIENT ID from Generate API Keys. 123456789abcdefg
ClientSecret The SECRET from Generate API Keys. 123456789abcdefg123456789abcdefg
Cloud The CLOUD REGION from Base URL Mapping. us-2

You can use any secret name you like, as long as you pass in the secret name when using the component.

⚠️ The keys must match the table above.

Using AWS Parameter Store

To use Parameter Store as your secret backend, you must enter ParameterStore as the value for the SecretStorageMethod parameter when using component.

Use the following as an example to create the parameters in Parameter Store:

Default Parameter Name Parameter Value Parameter Type Example
/CrowdStrike/Falcon/ClientId The CLIENT ID from Generate API Keys. SecureString 123456789abcdefg
/CrowdStrike/Falcon/ClientSecret The SECRET from Generate API Keys. SecureString 123456789abcdefg123456789abcdefg
/CrowdStrike/Falcon/Cloud The CLOUD REGION from Base URL Mapping. SecureString us-2

⚠️ You can use any parameter name you like, as long as you pass in the correct names for the SSM Parameters in the component.


To use this component in your EC2 Image Builder pipeline:

Subscribe to the Component

  1. Navigate to the Discover products section under AWS Marketplace in the EC2 Image Builder console.

  2. Select the Components tab and search for CrowdStrike Falcon Sensor. CrowdStrike Falcon Sensor - Linux

  3. Select View subscription options and select Subscribe.

    ⚠️ Please note it can take a few minutes for the subscription to be processed and available for use.

  4. Once you have subscribed you will see the Status change to Subscribed. You can now use the component in your image recipes.

Add Component to Image Recipe

  1. Create a new image recipe or edit an existing one in the EC2 Image Builder console.

  2. In the Components section, select Add build components and choose AWS Marketplace.

  3. Find the CrowdStrike Falcon Sensor component, select it and click Add to recipe. Add CrowdStrike Falcon component to recipe

  4. Configure the component according to your environment's requirements by providing the necessary parameters. For more information about component parameters, refer to the Parameters section below. At minimum, you will need to provide:

    • SecretStorageMethod: The secret backend to use which holds your API credentials (SecretsManager or ParameterStore)
      • If using SecretsManager:
        • SecretsManagerSecretName: The name of the AWS Secrets Manager secret containing your CrowdStrike API credentials
      • If using ParameterStore:
        • SSMFalconCloud: The SSM Parameter Store name that contains the Falcon Cloud Region for the Falcon API credentials
        • SSMFalconClientId: The SSM Parameter Store name that contains the Falcon Client Id for the Falcon API credentials
        • SSMFalconClientSecret: The SSM Parameter Store name that contains the Falcon Client Secret for the Falcon API credentials
    • AWSRegion: The AWS region where your secrets are stored (e.g., "us-east-1")
  5. For best results, ensure this component is placed at the end of your Build components sequence when using multiple components.


Adding this component as the last step in your image recipe ensures that the sensor doesn't generate a new AID prior to shutdown.

Component Parameters

Linux Component Parameters
Parameter Name Type Description Default Allowed Values
SecretStorageMethod string The secret backend to use which holds your API credentials. SecretsManager SecretsManager, ParameterStore
AWSRegion string The AWS Region where the Image Pipeline executes and Falcon API credentials are stored. us-east-1 N/A
SecretsManagerSecretName string (Required if using SecretsManager) The name of the secret in Secrets Manager that contains the Falcon API credentials. /CrowdStrike/Falcon/Image-Builder N/A
SSMFalconCloud string (Required if using ParameterStore) SSM Parameter Store name that contains the Falcon Cloud Region for the Falcon API credentials. N/A
SSMFalconClientId string (Required if using ParameterStore) SSM Parameter Store name that contains the Falcon Client Id for the Falcon API credentials. N/A
SSMFalconClientSecret string (Required if using ParameterStore) SSM Parameter Store name that contains the Falcon Client Secret for the Falcon API credentials. N/A
SensorVersionDecrement string (Optional) The number of versions prior to the latest release to install. For example, use 1 to install the previous version (N-1). N/A
ProvisioningToken string (Optional) The provisioning/installation token to use for installing the sensor. N/A
SensorUpdatePolicyName string (Optional) The name of the sensor update policy to use for retrieving the sensor version. N/A
Tags string (Optional) A comma-separated list of tags to apply to the sensor. N/A
ProxyHost string (Optional) The proxy host for the sensor to use when communicating with CrowdStrike. N/A
ProxyPort string (Optional) The proxy port for the sensor to use when communicating with CrowdStrike. N/A
Billing string (Optional) The billing code to use for the sensor. default, metered
Windows Component Parameters
Parameter Name Type Description Default Allowed Values
SecretStorageMethod string The secret backend to use which holds your API credentials. SecretsManager SecretsManager, ParameterStore
AWSRegion string The AWS Region where the Image Pipeline executes and Falcon API credentials are stored. us-east-1 N/A
SecretsManagerSecretName string (Required if using SecretsManager) The name of the secret in Secrets Manager that contains the Falcon API credentials. /CrowdStrike/Falcon/Image-Builder N/A
SSMFalconCloud string (Required if using ParameterStore) SSM Parameter Store name that contains the Falcon Cloud Region for the Falcon API credentials. N/A
SSMFalconClientId string (Required if using ParameterStore) SSM Parameter Store name that contains the Falcon Client Id for the Falcon API credentials. N/A
SSMFalconClientSecret string (Required if using ParameterStore) SSM Parameter Store name that contains the Falcon Client Secret for the Falcon API credentials. N/A
ProvisioningToken string (Optional) The provisioning/installation token to use for installing the sensor. N/A
ProvisioningWaitTime string (Optional) Time to wait, in milliseconds, for sensor to provision before timing out. 1200000 N/A
SensorUpdatePolicyName string The name of the sensor update policy to use for retrieving the sensor version. platform_default N/A
Tags string (Optional) A comma-separated list of tags to apply to the sensor. N/A
ProxyHost string (Optional) The proxy host for the sensor to use when communicating with CrowdStrike. N/A
ProxyPort string (Optional) The proxy port for the sensor to use when communicating with CrowdStrike. N/A
ProxyDisable string By default, the Falcon sensor for Windows automatically attempts to use any available proxy connections. Set to true to skip proxy detection. false true, false

How it Works

The components will automatically execute during the image build process. They perform the following actions:

Linux Component

Build Phase


Due to a current limitation in EC2 Image Builder where the AWS CLI is not guaranteed to be pre-installed, this component includes the AWS provided aws-cli-version-2 component as a dependency. This ensures the AWS CLI is available for use by the component.

  1. Downloads the necessary Bash scripts for installation.

  2. Ensures AWS CLI is available by installing the aws-cli-version-2 component.

  3. Retrieves the CrowdStrike API credentials from the specified secret store.

  4. Downloads and installs the CrowdStrike Falcon sensor.

  5. Configures the sensor for use as a golden image.

Validate Phase

  1. Ensures the AID is absent from the sensor prior to shutdown.

Test Phase

  1. Ensures the AID is present after a test instance is spun up.

Windows Component

Build Phase


Due to a current limitation in EC2 Image Builder where the AWS CLI is not guaranteed to be pre-installed, this component includes the AWS provided aws-cli-version-2-windows component as a dependency. This ensures the AWS CLI is available for use by the component.

  1. Downloads the necessary PowerShell scripts for installation.

  2. Ensures AWS CLI is available by installing the aws-cli-version-2-windows component.

  3. Retrieves the CrowdStrike API credentials from the specified secret store.

  4. Downloads and installs the CrowdStrike Falcon sensor.

  5. Configures the sensor for use as a golden image.

Validate Phase

  1. Ensures the Falcon service (CSFalconService) is not running prior to image creation.

Test Phase

  1. Verifies that the Falcon service (CSFalconService) is running properly on the test instance.


If you encounter issues:

  1. Check the EC2 Image Builder logs for detailed error messages.

  2. Verify that the instance profile has the correct IAM permissions.

  3. Ensure the API credentials are correctly stored and accessible.


Contributions to improve the component are welcome. Please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository.

  2. Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.

  3. Submit a pull request with a clear description of your changes.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


For support, please consult the file.