MoneyPrinter Public
Forked from FujiwaraChoki/MoneyPrinterAutomate Creation of YouTube Shorts using MoviePy.
Python MIT License UpdatedMay 15, 2024 -
craft.js Public
Forked from prevwong/craft.js🚀 A React Framework for building extensible drag and drop page editors
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedMar 13, 2023 -
react-bolt Public
Forked from leonardomso/react-bolt⚡ The most simple & robust boilerplate for your React projects.
nilam Public
Forked from md-siam/nilamThis is an auction application just like eBay. Using firebase as the backend for signup & sign-in functionality. In addition to that, it's a two pages application with user bid in input and count d…
Dart MIT License UpdatedFeb 10, 2022 -
2D-Character-Controller Public
Forked from Brackeys/2D-Character-ControllerFree 2D Character Controller for Unity.
C# UpdatedOct 20, 2019 -
responsive-email Public
Forked from derekpunsalan/responsive-emailThe basic "responsive" email template.
CSS MIT License UpdatedDec 12, 2018 -
datepicker Public
Forked from qodesmith/datepickerGet a date with JavaScript! A datepicker with no dependencies.
JavaScript UpdatedMay 23, 2018 -
react-grid-layout Public
Forked from react-grid-layout/react-grid-layoutA draggable and resizable grid layout with responsive breakpoints, for React.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedApr 17, 2018 -
FileSaver.js Public
Forked from eligrey/FileSaver.jsAn HTML5 saveAs() FileSaver implementation
JavaScript Other UpdatedMar 22, 2018 -
photo-editor Public
Forked from fengyuanchen/photo-editorA simple photo editing application.
Vue MIT License UpdatedFeb 22, 2018 -
jquery-circle-progress Public
Forked from kottenator/jquery-circle-progressjQuery Plugin to draw animated circular progress bars
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedDec 4, 2017 -
photon Public
Forked from connors/photonThe fastest way to build beautiful Electron apps using simple HTML and CSS
CSS MIT License UpdatedJul 30, 2017 -
node-ftp Public
Forked from mscdex/node-ftpAn FTP client module for node.js
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMar 5, 2017 -
SpectrumVisualizer Public
Forked from AlexJuca/SpectrumVisualizerAn Audio Spectrum Visualizer built on the HTML5 Audio API
JavaScript UpdatedDec 28, 2016 -
UnitySpritesAndBones Public
Forked from Banbury/UnitySpritesAndBonesUnity 3D addon for skeletal sprite animations
C# MIT License UpdatedDec 21, 2016 -
artyom.js Public
Forked from sdkcarlos/artyom.jsA voice control - voice commands - speech recognition and speech synthesis javascript library. Create your own siri,google now or cortana with Google Chrome within your website.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedNov 28, 2016 -
angular-video-bg Public
Forked from kanzelm3/angular-video-bgAn Angular.js YouTube video background player directive that stresses simplicity and performance.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedOct 14, 2016 -
synaptic Public
Forked from cazala/synapticarchitecture-free neural network library for node.js and the browser
JavaScript Other UpdatedOct 13, 2016 -
jquery.countdown360 Public
Forked from johnschult/jquery.countdown360This is a simple attractive circular countdown timer that counts down a number of seconds. The style is configurable and a callback is supported on completion.
JavaScript UpdatedSep 15, 2016 -
TweenTime Public
Forked from idflood/TweenTimeAnother javascript timeline
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJul 1, 2016 -
keytime Public
Forked from mattdesl/keytime[EXPERIMENT] keyframe animation tools
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMar 26, 2016