Handle your file downloads status in a more simple and easy way π
flowder: ^0.2.0
To start using flowder, is required to do the following setup.
fina downloaderUtils = DownloaderUtils(
progressCallback: (current, total) {
final progress = (current / total) * 100;
print('Downloading: $progress');
file: File('$path_to_store_file/200MB.zip'),
progress: ProgressImplementation(),
onDone: () => print('Download done'),
deleteOnCancel: true,
final core = await Flowder.download(
To start a new download.
core.download(url, downloaderUtils);
To resume a download.
To cancel a download.
To pause a download.
If you require an example using internet connection checker, please go to the folder advanced example. The stack used is:
- get_it
- injectable
- riverpod
- path_provider
- connectivity_plus (this is the best plugin to check internet connection, the others were buggy π’
- dio.
- Permission_handler
Download states.
Handle multiple downloader.
Advanced example using internet connection checker.
All contributions are welcome!
If you like this project then please click on the π it'll be appreciated or if you wanna add more epic stuff you can submite your pull request and it'll be gladly accepted πββοΈ
or if you have an idea please let me know with a new issue.