UPDATE: A Jupyter Notebook with a option to open in Google Collab exists for the text generation using a "Kanye West.json" created by the LyricsScraper script
A Bot that can scrape lyrics depending on Artists. Will be used to perform sub-projects such as text-based classification, Text prediction and Text Generation
The LyricsScraper is now completely functional. To run, please use the run_me.py and follow the instructions If you want to debug some code or want to be aware of the bugs and work arounds, look in the LyricsScraper.py code KNOWN BUG: Sometimes an artist does exist in Genius, but the search results won't find hits with the artists name The WORKAROUND is to go to docs.genius.com, perform a search query for a popular song with the artist derive the artist_id from the results (a json file with the first hits) put the artist_id in the if-clause in the first for-loop of the init of the class LyricsArtist
Under Rapify, the TrainRapify.py and RhymeAnalyser.py code exists TrainRapify.py is basically a sandbox scripts in which several text analysis techniques are tested out RhymeAnalyser.py is a in progress code that currently produces several interesting plots using information about the scraped artists in the 'collection.json' produced by the LyricsScraper. The code for the plots exists in utils.py
The TUI.py code is a beginning of a basic textual interface making the utils.py code even easier to run for unadvanced programmers.