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Cosmian KMS

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The Cosmian KMS is a high-performance, open-source, FIPS 140-3 compliant server application written in Rust that presents some unique features, such as:

The Cosmian KMS is both a Key Management System and a Public Key Infrastructure. As a KMS, it is designed to manage the lifecycle of keys and provide scalable cryptographic services such as on-the-fly key generation, encryption, and decryption operations.

The Cosmian KMS supports all the standard NIST cryptographic algorithms as well as advanced post-quantum cryptography algorithms such as Covercrypt. Please refer to the list of supported algorithms.

As a PKI it can manage root and intermediate certificates, sign and verify certificates, use their public keys to encrypt and decrypt data. Certificates can be exported under various formats including PKCS#12 modern and legacy flavor, to be used in various applications, such as in S/MIME encrypted emails.

The KMS has extensive online documentation

Quick start

Pre-built binaries are available for Linux, MacOS, and Windows, as well as Docker images. To run the server binary, OpenSSL must be available in your path (see "building the KMS" below for details); other binaries do not have this requirement.

Using Docker to quick-start a Cosmian KMS server on http://localhost:9998 that stores its data inside the container, run the following command:

docker run -p 9998:9998 --name kms

Then, use the CLI to issue commands to the KMS. The CLI, called ckms, can be either downloaded from Cosmian packages or built and launched from this GitHub project by running

cargo run --bin ckms -- --help


  1. Create a 256-bit symmetric key

    ➜ cargo run --bin ckms -- sym keys create --number-of-bits 256 --algorithm aes --tag my-key-file
    The symmetric key was successfully generated.
      Unique identifier: 87e9e2a8-4538-4701-aa8c-e3af94e44a9e
        - my-key-file
  2. Encrypt the image.png file with AES GCM using the key

    ➜ cargo run --bin ckms -- sym encrypt --tag my-key-file --output-file image.enc image.png
    The encrypted file is available at "image.enc"
  3. Decrypt the image.enc file using the key

    ➜ cargo run --bin ckms -- sym decrypt --tag my-key-file --output-file image2.png image.enc
    The decrypted file is available at "image2.png"

See the documentation for more.

Repository content

The server is written in Rust and is broken down into several binaries:

  • A server (cosmian_kms) which is the KMS itself
  • A CLI (ckms) to interact with this server

And also some crates:

  • access to handle permissions
  • client to query the server
  • interfaces to handle the interfaces with storage and encryption oracles
  • kmip which is an implementation of the KMIP standard
  • server_database to handle the database
  • pkcs11_* to handle PKCS11 support
  • kms_pyo3 which is a KMS client in Python
  • kms_test_server which is a library to instantiate programmatically the KMS server.

Please refer to the README of the inner directories to have more information.

Find the public documentation of the KMS in the documentation directory.

Building the KMS

OpenSSL v3.2.0 is required to build the KMS.

Linux or MacOS (CPU Intel or MacOs ARM)

Retrieve OpenSSL v3.2.0 (already build) with the following commands:

export OPENSSL_DIR=/usr/local/openssl
sudo mkdir -p ${OPENSSL_DIR}
sudo chown -R $USER ${OPENSSL_DIR}
bash .github/scripts/


  1. Install Visual Studio Community with the C++ workload and clang support.

  2. Install Strawberry Perl.

  3. Install vcpkg following these instructions

  4. Then install OpenSSL 3.2.0:

The files vcpkg.json and vcpkg_fips.json are provided in the repository to install OpenSSL v3.2.0:

vcpkg install --triplet x64-windows-static
vcpkg integrate install
$env:OPENSSL_DIR = "$env:VCPKG_INSTALLATION_ROOT\packages\openssl_x64-windows-static"

For a FIPS compliant build, use the following commands (in order to build fips.dll), run also:

Copy-Item -Path "vcpkg_fips.json" -Destination "vcpkg.json"
vcpkg install
vcpkg integrate install

Build the KMS

Once OpenSSL is installed, you can build the KMS. To avoid the additive feature issues, the main artifacts - the CLI, the KMS server and the PKCS11 provider - should directly be built using cargo build --release within their own crate, not from the project root.

Build the server and CLI binaries:

cd crate/server
cargo build --release
cd ../..
cd crate/ckms
cargo build --release

Build the Docker Ubuntu container

You can build a docker containing the KMS server as follows:

docker build . --network=host -t kms


# Example with FIPS support
docker build . --network=host \
               --build-arg FEATURES="--features=fips" \
               -t kms

Running the unit and integration tests

By default, tests are run using cargo test and an SQLCipher backend (called sqlite-enc). This can be influenced by setting the KMS_TEST_DB environment variable to

  • sqlite, for plain SQLite
  • mysql (requires a running MySQL or MariaDB server connected using a "mysql://kms:kms@localhost:3306/kms" URL)
  • postgresql (requires a running PostgreSQL server connected using a "postgresql://kms:kms@"URL)
  • redis-findex (requires a running Redis server connected using a "redis://localhost:6379" URL)

Example: testing with a plain SQLite and some logging

RUST_LOG="error,cosmian_kms_server=info,cosmian_kms_cli=info" KMS_TEST_DB=sqlite cargo test

Alternatively, when writing a test or running a test from your IDE, the following can be inserted at the top of the test:

unsafe {
set_var("RUST_LOG", "error,cosmian_kms_server=debug,cosmian_kms_cli=info");
set_var("RUST_BACKTRACE", "1");
set_var("KMS_TEST_DB", "redis-findex");

Development: running the server with cargo

To run the server with cargo, you need to set the RUST_LOG environment variable to the desired log level and select the correct backend (which defaults to sqlite-enc).

RUST_LOG="info,cosmian_kms_server=debug" \
cargo run --bin cosmian_kms -- \
--database-type redis-findex --database-url redis://localhost:6379 \
--redis-master-password secret --redis-findex-label label

Server parameters

If a configuration file is provided, parameters are set following this order:

  • conf file (env variable COSMIAN_KMS_CONF set by default to /etc/cosmian_kms/kms.toml)
  • default (set on struct)

Otherwise, the parameters are set following this order:

  • args in the command line
  • env var
  • default (set on struct)

Use the KMS inside a Cosmian VM on SEV/TDX

See the Marketplace guide for more details about Cosmian VM.


All releases can be found in the public URL


To run benchmarks, go to the crate/test_server directory and run:

cargo bench

Typical values for single-threaded HTTP KMIP 2.1 requests (zero network latency) are as follows

- RSA PKCSv1.5:
    - encrypt
            - 2048 bits: 128 microseconds
            - 4096 bits: 175 microseconds
    - decrypt
            - 2048 bits: 830 microseconds
            - 4096 bits: 4120 microseconds
    - encrypt
            - 2048 bits: 134 microseconds
            - 4096 bits: 173 microseconds
    - decrypt
            - 2048 bits: 849 microseconds
            - 4096 bits: 3823 microseconds
    - encrypt
            - 2048 bits: 142 microseconds
            - 4096 bits: 198 microseconds
    - decrypt
            - 2048 bits: 824 microseconds
            - 4096 bits: 3768 microseconds
- RSA Keypair creation (saved in KMS DB)
    -  2048 bits: 33 milliseconds
    -  4096 bits: 322 milliseconds