This is a fork of mukeshsoni's mui-react-phone-input plugin built on Material UI components v0.15.4
Using npm
npm install mui-react-phone-input
Using yarn
yarn add mui-react-phone-input
Use in code thus
import React from 'react'
import { render } from 'react-dom'
import ReactTelInput from 'mui-react-phone-input';
import MuiThemeProvider from 'material-ui/styles/MuiThemeProvider';
import injectTapEventPlugin from 'react-tap-event-plugin';
const changeHandler = (target, formattedNumber, selectedCountry, rawValue) => {
console.log(`${formattedNumber} - ${rawValue}`, 'Formatted value and raw value')
const Demo = () =>(<div>
floatingLabelStyle={{ color: '#01579b' }}
render(<Demo />, document.querySelector('#demo'))
- Automatically format the number as the user types
- Navigate the country dropdown by typing a country's name, or using up/down keys
- Selecting a country from the dropdown will update the dial code in the input
- Typing a different dial code will automatically update the displayed flag
- Country names in the dropdown also include localised versions in brackets
- Dropdown appears above or below the input depending on available space/scroll position
Requires following as peerDependencies
- material-ui
- react
- react-dom
- react-tap-event-plugin
Clone the repository
git clone
Run npm install
npm install
Or yarn
yarn install
Run the demo files
yarn run start
Run clean
yarn run clean
Build the files
yarn run build
yarn test
yarn run lint
- React - Facebook's rendering library
- material-ui - React based presentational components using Google's material design principles
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details
- Hat tip to mukeshsoni, for creating the original plugin in react
The component accepts other props to customize it -
Both the props have the same purpose - for setting the initial value of the input programatically.
See value
by default. Setting it to false will turn off all auto formatting.
The component selects the country code of a country by default. You can change it by passing the iso2 name of a country. E.g. for United States, set defaultCountry
to 'us'.
If you don't want all countries to be shown in the dropdown list, you can pass an array of country iso2 names to be shown in the dropdown list.
Preferred countries show up in the top of the list. This prop also accepts an array of country iso2 names.
preferredCountries={['in', 'us', 'uk']}
You can send in style classes to be applied to the top container div of the component.
Function, called whenever there is a change of value in the input box.
Function, called when user presses the 'enter' key when the input box is in focus.
Function, called when the focus goes away from the input box.
Function, called when the input box gets the focus.
Boolean value. When set to true, the input box is disabled and clicking on flag dropdown does nothing.
Boolean value. False by default. To toggle the flag display functionality