ASLearn aims to teach American Sign Language in an interactive manner with the help of Machine Learning.
- I obtained the ASL Alphabet dataset from Kaggle, sourced under the GPL 2 License.
- I found and modified a Python script (used under the MIT License) leveraging the deeplabv3_resnet101 Machine Learning Model (used under the Apache License) to remove the background of the provided image and modified it to remove the background of every image in the dataset.
- I trained an Image Classifier using CreateML and the dataset sans background.
- I also built my own Image Classifier using Tensorflow but achieved higher accuracy with CreateML and thus used that instead. I do plan to refine my Image Classifier in the future and make ASLearn available on the App Store.
- ASLearn takes a picture of the user's hand gesture
- The hand gesture is provided to DeepLabV3 and a result without a background is obtained.
- The result is provided to ASL_Classifier (described in Step 3 of the Training Phase) and a prediction is received.
- ASL Alphabet Dataset
- Remove_Image_Background_DeepLabV3.ipynb
- deeplabv3_resnet101
- DeepLabV3
- CoreML Helpers is an extremely useful open source library that greatly simplifies working with MLMultiArray and CVPixelBuffer. UIImage+Extensions.swift, UIImage+CVPixelBuffer.swift, MLMultiArray+Image.swift, Math.swift, CGImage+RawBytes.swift and CGImage+CVPixelBuffer.swift are part of CoreML Helpers.