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Starting work on this project is easy. You just need to install the prereqs for your chosen OS. After that, just follow the steps below:
git clone
cd FreeFootie
npm install
gulp init
gulp server
Note: We've recently switched to gulp. You may have to re-run npm install and get your head around the new, improved build system
Oh, and you'll have to start mongod however you normally do on your system
###Structure This nodejs application has its components split between client and server. Files found in the client directory have to do with what is actually loaded and rendered by the browser. This means html, javascript (angular components), etc. The server directory contains all the backend systems such as the REST api handling, database interactions, etc.
The http server is started and configured in server.js. Setting things like port numbers can be done in settings.json.
- /admin (Dashboard, management portal)
- /admin/game/:id (Game details)
- /scheduler (Create games for league play)
- /admin/team (Administer the teams)
- /ref (Dashboard)
If you need to debug the solution, use node-inspector.
Since gulp spawns nodemon as a second process, you can't simply run node-debug gulp
If you are trying to debug something in the build system, you can just use:
node-debug /usr/local/bin/gulp init
If, however, you are testing the server, you need to run it explicitly. The server requires
some environment variables to be set. As a result, use the env
command like:
env NODE_SERVER_PORT=3000 NODE_PUBLIC_DIRECTORY=.tmp node-debug server.js
If you're on Windows, I have no idea. Sorry. Also keep in mind that if your default browser is something other than Chrome, the debug sequence doesn't work. Set your default to Chrome and you will be fine.