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scte35-go: ANSI/SCTE 35 Decoder/Encoder

scte35-go is a Go library to supports creating, decorating, and analyzing binary Digital Program Insertion Cueing Messages.

This library is fully compliant and compatible with all versions of the ANSI/SCTE 35 specification up to and including ANSI/SCTE 35 2022b.

This project uses Semantic Versioning and is published as a Go Module.

Build Status PkgGoDev

Getting Started

Get the module:

$ go get
go get: added v1.2.1

Code Examples

Additional examples can be found in examples.

Decode Signal

Binary signals can be quickly and easily decoded from base-64 or hexadecimal strings.

The results can be output as a:


package main

import (


func main() {
	sis, _ := scte35.DecodeBase64("/DA8AAAAAAAAAP///wb+06ACpQAmAiRDVUVJAACcHX//AACky4AMEERJU0NZTVdGMDQ1MjAwMEgxAQEMm4c0")

	// details
	_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "\nTable: \n%s\n", sis.Table("", "\t"))

	// xml
	b, _ := xml.MarshalIndent(sis, "", "\t")
	_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "\nXML: \n%s\n", b)

	// json
	b, _ = json.MarshalIndent(sis, "", "\t")
	_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "\nJSON: \n%s\n", b)
$ go run examples/simple_decode/main.go

splice_info_section() {
	table_id: 0xfc
	section_syntax_indicator: false
	private_indicator: false
	sap_type: 3 (Not Specified)
	section_length: 60
protocol_version: 0
encryption_algorithm: 0 (No encryption)
pts_adjustment: 0
cw_index: 0
tier: 4095
splice_command_length: 5
splice_command_type: 0x06
time_signal() {
	time_specified_flag: true
	pts_time: 3550479013
descriptor_loop_length: 38
segmentation_descriptor() {
	splice_descriptor_tag: 0x02
	descriptor_length: 36
	identifier: 0x43554549 (CUEI)
	segmentation_event_id: 39965
	segmentation_event_cancel_indicator: false
	segmentation_event_id_compliance_indicator: false
	program_segmentation_flag: true
	segmentation_duration_flag: true
	delivery_not_restricted_flag: true
	segmentation_duration: 10800000
	segmentation_upid_length: 16
	segmentation_upid[0] {
		segmentation_upid_type: 0x0c (MPU())
		format_identifier: DISC
		segmentation_upid: WU1XRjA0NTIwMDBI
	segmentation_type_id: 0x31 (Provider Advertisement End)
	segment_num: 1
	segments_expected: 1

<SpliceInfoSection xmlns="" sapType="3" tier="4095">
	<EncryptedPacket xmlns="" encryptionAlgorithm="0" cwIndex="0"></EncryptedPacket>
	<TimeSignal xmlns="">
		<SpliceTime xmlns="" ptsTime="3550479013"></SpliceTime>
	<SegmentationDescriptor xmlns="" segmentationEventId="39965" segmentationDuration="10800000" segmentationTypeId="49" segmentNum="1" segmentsExpected="1">
		<SegmentationUpid xmlns="" segmentationUpidType="12" segmentationUpidFormat="base-64" formatIdentifier="1145656131">WU1XRjA0NTIwMDBI</SegmentationUpid>

	"encryptedPacket": {
		"encryptionAlgorithm": 0,
		"cwIndex": 0
	"sapType": 3,
	"spliceCommand": {
		"type": 6,
		"spliceTime": {
			"ptsTime": 3550479013
	"spliceDescriptors": [
			"type": 2,
			"segmentationUpids": [
					"segmentationUpidType": 12,
					"segmentationUpidFormat": "base-64",
					"formatIdentifier": 1145656131,
					"value": "WU1XRjA0NTIwMDBI"
			"segmentationEventId": 39965,
			"segmentationDuration": 10800000,
			"segmentationTypeId": 49,
			"segmentNum": 1,
			"segmentsExpected": 1
	"tier": 4095

Encode Signal

Encoding signals is equally simple. You can start from scratch and build a scte35.SpliceInfoSection or decode an existing signal and modify it to suit your needs.


package main

import (


func main() {
	// start with a signal
	sis := scte35.SpliceInfoSection{
		SpliceCommand: scte35.NewTimeSignal(0x072bd0050),
		SpliceDescriptors: []scte35.SpliceDescriptor{
				DeliveryRestrictions: &scte35.DeliveryRestrictions{
					NoRegionalBlackoutFlag: true,
					ArchiveAllowedFlag:     true,
					DeviceRestrictions:     scte35.DeviceRestrictionsNone,
				SegmentationEventID: uint32(0x4800008e),
				SegmentationTypeID:  scte35.SegmentationTypeProviderPOStart,
				SegmentationUPIDs: []scte35.SegmentationUPID{
					scte35.NewSegmentationUPID(scte35.SegmentationUPIDTypeTI, []byte("78511452")),
				SegmentNum: 2,
		EncryptedPacket: scte35.EncryptedPacket{
			EncryptionAlgorithm: scte35.EncryptionAlgorithmNone,
			CWIndex:             255,
		Tier:    4095,
		SAPType: 3,

	// encode it
	_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Original:\n")
	_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "base-64: %s\n", sis.Base64())
	_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "hex    : %s\n", sis.Hex())

	// add a segmentation descriptor
	sis.SpliceDescriptors = append(
			DTMFChars: "ABC*",

	// encode it again
	_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Original:\n")
	_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "base-64: %s\n", sis.Base64())
	_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "hex    : %s\n", sis.Hex())
$ go run examples/simple_encode/main.go
hex    : fc302f000000000000fffff00506fe72bd005000190217435545494800008e7f8f08083738353131343532340200386a07d1
hex    : fc303b000000000000fffff00506fe72bd005000250217435545494800008e7f8f08083738353131343532340200010a43554549009f4142432aab704254

Decoding Non-Compliant Signals

The SCTE 35 decoder will always return a non-nil SpliceInfoSection, even when an error occurs. This is done to help better identify the specific cause of the decoding failure.


package main

import (


func main() {
	sis, err := scte35.DecodeBase64("FkC1lwP3uTQD0VvxHwVBEH89G6B7VjzaZ9eNuyUF9q8pYAIXsRM9ZpDCczBeDbytQhXkssQstGJVGcvjZ3tiIMULiA4BpRHlzLGFa0q6aVMtzk8ZRUeLcxtKibgVOKBBnkCbOQyhSflFiDkrAAIp+Fk+VRsByTSkPN3RvyK+lWcjHElhwa9hNFcAy4dm3DdeRXnrD3I2mISNc7DkgS0ReotPyp94FV77xMHT4D7SYL48XU20UM4bgg==")
	if err != nil {
		_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Error: %s\n", err)
	_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "%s\n", sis.Table("", "\t"))

As we can see from the output below, the signal has a corrupted component_count, causing the decoder to return a scte.ErrBufferOverflow:

$ go run examples/bad_signal/main.go
Error: splice_insert: buffer overflow
splice_info_section() {
	table_id: 0xfc
	section_syntax_indicator: false
	private_indicator: false
	sap_type: 0 (Type 1)
	section_length: 347
protocol_version: 151
encryption_algorithm: 1 (DES – ECB mode)
pts_adjustment: 8451077123
cw_index: 209
tier: 1471
splice_command_length: 326
splice_command_type: 0x05
splice_insert() {
	splice_event_id: 1091600189
	splice_event_cancel_indicator: false
	out_of_network_indicator: true
	program_splice_flag: false
	duration_flag: true
	splice_immediate_flag: false
	component_count: 123
		component_tag: 86
		time_specified_flag: false

    ... additional components removed

        auto_return: false
        duration: 0
        unique_program_id: 0
        avail_num: 0
        avails_expected: 0
descriptor_loop_length: 0

CRC_32 Validation

The SCTE 35 decoder performs automatic CRC_32 validation. The returned error can be explicitly ignored if desired.


package main

import (


func main() {

	if errors.Is(err, scte35.ErrCRC32Invalid) {
		_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Warning: CRC32 check failed!\n")
	_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "%s\n", sis.Table("", "\t"))
$ go run examples/ignore_crc32/main.go
2025/03/15 00:44:42 CRC_32 calculated (2811771763) != reported (2811771764)
Warning: CRC32 check failed!
splice_info_section() {
	table_id: 0xfc

... more output removed ...


Additional diagnostics can be enabled by redirecting the output of scte35.Logger


Command Line Interface

This package also provides a simple command line interface that supports encoding and decoding signals from the command line.

$ ./scte35-go --help

  scte35-go [command]

Available Commands:
  decode      Decode a splice_info_section from binary
  encode      Encode a splice_info_section to binary
  help        Help about any command

  -h, --help   help for scte35-go


scte35-go is licensed under Apache License 2.0.

Code of Conduct

We take our code of conduct very seriously. Please abide by it.


Please read our contributing guide for details on how to contribute to our project.