You can find the latest documentation for CRA here.
You need to install xcode command line tools (if you don't have xcode installed at all). You can get these by running xcode-select --install
into your terminal prompt. This is ~500mb of data to download and Aarnet is not exactly a speed demon so please do this before the day.
Then, Install brew (a package manager for MacOS) found here. Copy and paste that command into your terminal and you should be away.
Next, you'll need to install Node. You can either follow the link and download the LTS package (8.9.4 at time of writing) or you can run brew install node
in your terminal prompt.
I would recommend using glitch (for simplicity and ease of getting up and running), but if you would like to run this locally you can do it as follows:
- Ensure you have git installed on your machine by following the link and the installation steps.
- Ensure you have node installed on your machine by following the link and the installation steps.
- Use Git Bash for the next steps (as this allows us to use *NIX-style commands that will work across all operating systems).
Since there are a million ways to install anything on linux depending on your distro I'll leave installation steps out of this. If you're using Linux I'll assume you're comfortable with installing git and node.
If you're not sure how to do that, remix this project on glitch and you won't need to worry about running things locally.
Finally, you need to have a text editor so you can look at and edit the code. I (begrudgingly) recommend Visual Studio Code which you can download by following that link or running brew cask install visual-studio-code
. Other notable editors you might be interested in are Atom, Emacs and Vim.
You're here, bright-eyed and ready to go. Now what?
You need to get these files on your machine so you can run them. This is called "cloning" and you can do this with the following command:
git clone ~/Documents/React/tech-corner/
This downloads all of the files (here) that Github is storing and sticks them in the folder React/tech-corner
in your Documents.
Next, navigate to that folder using cd ~/Documents/React/tech-corner/
npm install
This will install React and some other packages locally to this folder (So you're not cluttering your whole environment with a certain React installation).
npm start
This will open a browser window and run your React application. Congratulations, you made it! 🎉
The focus of the day is to present quotes from a certain "influential" figure (I'll leave it to you guys to figure out who 😉). The code handles the API calls, so you can assume that a list (string[]) of quotes is stored in the app state, retrievable as this.state.quotes
component has been created insrc/components/Quote.jsx
, but it isn't used anywhere. Your job is to import this component inApp.js
and pass a single quote from thestate.quotes
list as a prop (HINT:this.state.selectedQuoteIndex
might help you choose a quote to send). -
This project uses the Semantic UI library, which has some fancy looking buttons. Your next task is to import the
component fromsemantic-ui-react
and pass thechangeSelectedQuote()
function as a prop for theonClick
listener. -
You can open a new tab using'', '_blank')
. I want you to add another (appropriately styled, you might want to add some css) button that sends an intent to tweet the displayed quote. Documentation for the link to open can be found here
Don't worry if this seems difficult at first glance! You're not expected to complete all of this, and there will be some React experts on hand to help out if you get stuck.
N.B - This task is intended for people who already have some experience with React and want to be pushed a little. You're not expected to reach this point if you're looking at React for the first time.
React DnD is a handy set of React higher order components that allow you to build drag and drop interfaces. We have included a couple of image assets named trump-face.png
and trump-mouth.png
(I hope you can see where we're going with this... 😄).
Your task is to allow the user to drag and drop the jaw around the page. When the user begins to drag the jaw, the quote should change (to simulate a new quote being spoken).
The following example might be of use to you.
psst - if you want find out how these tasks look when done, you might want to check the branches of this repository.