More information on the Boost home page
The frameworks are distributed using the following methods:
- As a binary XCFramework using Swift Package Manager
- As a binary XCFramework using carthage
- The iOSBoostFramework project can be included into an Xcode workspace
SPM is now the preferred method. Other methods will be deprecated in the next major release.
To add the swift package right click your project in the Xcode project explorer, select Add packages....
- In the search field enter the package URL
- In the Dependency Rule field set the version to 1.81.0
The Makefile in this project creates a iOS XCframework bundle that supports the following platforms:
- iphoneos arm64
- iphonesimulator x86_64
- iphonesimulator arm64
- macosx x86_64
- macosx arm64
It is suitable for using on all iOS devices and simulators that support iOS 11 and greater. The macosx platform supprts v10 and greater.
Xcode14 has removed support for 32bit compilation, so the armv7 device and i386 simulator architecture have been removed.
Note: The latest release of iOSBoostFramework (1.81.0) is the first release to support:
- MacOS
- M1 and M2 Apple Silicon processors.
- iOS Simulator on M! and M2 CPUs.
The following boost libraries are built
- test
- thread
- atomic
- signals
- filesystem
- regex
- program_options
- system
- date_time
- serialization
- exception
- random
- locale
The locale library has the POSIX option turned on and the libiconv library supplied with iOS is used.
The Makefile supports bitcode generation for release builds. Debug builds use a bitcode-marker. Bitcode generation is controlled by the build variable ENABLE_BITCODE and the mode is controlled by the build variable BITCODE_GENERATION_MODE.
The macosx, iphoneos and iphonesimulator SDKs are currently supported. Using the XCFramework, a single binary can be created that supports ARM devices and ARM and x86_64 simulators in a single framework bundle.
To build a device framework only:
make xcframework
To build a universal XCframework:
make SDK=macosx
make SDK=iphoneos
make SDK=iphonesimulator
make xcframework
When used in conjunction with an Xcode workspace, only the active architecture is built. This is specified by Xcode using the ARCHS build variable.
The new XCframework is distributed as a binary framework. Use the Xcode packages feature to include it into a project. See Addingpackage dependencies to your app
The project can be checked out into an Xcode workspace. Use Finder to drag the project file iOSBoostFramework/iOSBoostFramework.xcodeproj to the Xcode workspace.
The Makefile was refactored to work better with the new Xcode10+ build system. The iOSBoostFramework.xcodeproj file was updated to include a shared Cocoa Touch Framework target boost. This is required by Carthage.
To add iOSBoostFramework to your project, first create a Cartfile in your project's root with the following contents:
github "Cogosense/iOSBoostFramework" >= 1.81.2
Then build with Carthage:
carthage update
More details on adding frameworks to a project can be found here.
This has now been removed - the last version to support it was 1.73.0.