This program is a Speech Practice and Transcription program, which has the capability to transcribe files from the computers and Youtube videos. It also contains a practice in which you can practice recording a speech; the program itself will record and transcribe what you say and check for differences with a given script. In this way, one can find errors and practice until they get 100% correct.
The project requires a number of libraries, which are listed below.
- Python 3.x (most compatible with the other modules)
- Google Speech Recognition API
- imported from
- PyQt5
- pydub
- pyaudio, wave
- pytube
- subprocess
- pillow
- sys, os, io
The last few libraries as well as additional libraries come with existing packages (math, string, etc.).
In order to get Google Speech Recognition working follow the instructions in the following link:
You will need to create a client account in order to obtain the necessary authentication. When you have obtained the authentication files, insert the file name into your code in the file as: os.environ["GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS"] = YOURFILENAME
The other libraries can be installed using pip (pip install) from terminal.
The way to use this program is to run the file, which opens up a new PyQt5 widget window in which everything is contained. Besides that, there are instruction on inner pages. One thing to note is that the program will display messages after the operation is finished, so the user will have to wait for the recording period to finish and for transcribing to finish. A quick tutorial can be found in the following Youtube URL: