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02 Check module success criteria #60



Link to the coursework

Why are we doing this?

🔑 The most important thing is that you are secure in your understanding.

To enroll as a trainee and progress to the next module you need to meet the success criteria for this module. How will you meet the module success criteria? You have lots of people to help you. Discuss it in your Slack channel and make a plan together. Help each other.

🧑🏿‍🎤 good strategies

  • asking volunteers to review your code and responding to that review
  • helping each other with coursework blockers
  • arranging midweek study sessions
  • using Saturday time to review code and the dashboard steps

🙅🏿 bad strategies

  • opening empty PRs
  • copying and pasting
  • breaking the Trainee Agreement
  • mistaking the measure for the target

Maximum time in hours


How to get help

Discuss with your cohort. Support each other.

How to submit

It's just like ITD. Submit your step on the dashboard for volunteer review.



No one assigned


    🎯 Topic Code ReviewReading, understanding, and analysing code🎯 Topic CommunicationReading, writing, speaking, and listening in English; expressing our ideas🎯 Topic DeliveryShipping our work, deploying our code, delivering our product🎯 Topic RequirementsInterpreting requirements with precision and accuracy🎯 Topic TeamworkWorking productively with other people🎯 Topic TestingIt's important that software works and that people can use it🎯 Topic Time ManagementManaging competing needs and meeting deadlines🏕 Priority MandatoryThis work is expected📅 Sprint 1Assigned during Sprint 1 of this module🦔 Size TinyLess than 30 minutes


    No type



    No milestone


    None yet


    No branches or pull requests

    Issue actions