Welcome to the Social Media Django Project! This feature-rich social media application is built with Django and empowers users to connect, share posts, and engage with each other seamlessly.
- 🔐 User Authentication: Secure signup, login, and logout functionality.
- 👤 Profile Management: Create, update, and personalize user profiles.
- 📝 Post Management: Effortlessly create, edit, and delete posts.
- 💬 Commenting: Engage with posts through a robust commenting system.
- 🔄 Follow/Unfollow: Connect with other users by following or unfollowing them.
- 🖼️ Media Handling: Upload and showcase images and videos.
- 🛠️ Admin Panel: Manage users, posts, and other content using Django's admin interface.
Follow these steps to set up the project locally:
git clone https://github.com/CodeWithRanjHa/Social-Media-Django.git
cd Social-Media-Django
On macOS/Linux:
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
On Windows:
python -m venv venv
pip install -r requirements.txt
This project uses MySQL as the database. Ensure you have MySQL installed and configured on your system. Update the settings.py
file with the following configuration:
"default": {
"ENGINE": "django.db.backends.mysql",
"read_default_file": "path/to/file/my.cnf",
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py runserver
- Open your browser and navigate to:
- To access the admin panel, go to:
We welcome contributions to enhance this project! Here's how you can help:
- Submit pull requests with new features or bug fixes.
- Raise issues to report bugs or suggest improvements.
- Fork the repository.
- Create a new branch for your feature or fix.
- Commit your changes with clear and concise messages.
- Push to your branch and create a pull request.
Stay connected and follow me on: