- Sevres - France
- https://hssow.wordpress.com/
Tools, templates, and packages to accelerate building observable, production-ready apps
A popular .NET validation library for building strongly-typed validation rules.
Provides a set of libraries which add service API versioning to ASP.NET Web API, OData with ASP.NET Web API, and ASP.NET Core.
Enterprise HealthChecks for ASP.NET Core Diagnostics Package
Allows to fake HttpContext.Current for unit testing purposes
The .NET Core command-line (CLI) tools, used for building .NET Core apps and libraries through your development flow (compiling, NuGet package management, running, testing, ...).
This repo is used for servicing PR's for .NET Core 2.1 and 3.1. Please visit us at https://github.com/dotnet/runtime
CoreCLR is the runtime for .NET Core. It includes the garbage collector, JIT compiler, primitive data types and low-level classes.
ReportGenerator converts coverage reports generated by coverlet, OpenCover, dotCover, Visual Studio, NCover, Cobertura, JaCoCo, Clover, gcov or lcov into human readable reports in various formats.
A code coverage tool for .NET 2 and above (WINDOWS OS only), support for 32 and 64 processes with both branch and sequence points
[Archived] ASP.NET Core MVC is a model view controller framework for building dynamic web sites with clean separation of concerns, including the merged MVC, Web API, and Web Pages w/ Razor. Project…
EF Core is a modern object-database mapper for .NET. It supports LINQ queries, change tracking, updates, and schema migrations.
An easy, flexible, and fast Dependency Injection library that promotes best practice to steer developers towards the pit of success.
An implementation of StyleCop rules using the .NET Compiler Platform
jQuery Validation Plugin library sources
A convention-based object-object mapper in .NET.
TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.