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CobyC edited this page Jun 2, 2020 · 2 revisions


Job and Resource Scheduler

Watch the demo video posted on my linked in profile to see what JaRS is.

Linked in Post

JaRS in a process flow



JaRS is build on .Net Frameworks but also makes use of 3rd party frameworks and tools each with it's own documentation and requirements.

Please Note

  • You will have to get a licence from ServiceStack to be able to build the software.
  • You will have to get a licence from DevExpress to be able to build the software
    • you can use a trail version, but it is limited.
  • The current client is a WinForms application

Technologies used in JaRS

Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF) for extensibility (and Dependency Injection), this is part of the .Net Framework.

NHibernate is the default ORM between .Net and SQL.

ServiceStack as the services interface as well as other ServiceStack utilities and tools. That will be mentioned where implemented.

.Net Framework 4.8 and up (the road map includes (Core 5 and up))

DevExpress tools and utilities for UI controls

To Do

  • Upload source code
  • Announce on linked in
  • do lots of documentation (create a wiki page)
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