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Task #1290750 PMTNG refactoring part 1, moving release_info to an engine
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grugnog committed Oct 20, 2011
1 parent cab637c commit f2fd52a
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Showing 10 changed files with 280 additions and 258 deletions.
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions commands/core/
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Expand Up @@ -106,8 +106,7 @@ function drush_archive_dump($sites_subdirs = '@self') {
$final_destination = drush_get_option('destination');
if (!$final_destination) {
// No destination provided.
drush_include_engine('version_control', 'backup');
$backup = new drush_pm_version_control_backup();
$backup = drush_include_engine('version_control', 'backup');
// TODO: this standard drush pattern leads to a slightly obtuse directory structure.
$dest_dir = $backup->prepare_backup_dir('archive-dump');
if (empty($dest_dir)) {
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124 changes: 6 additions & 118 deletions commands/pm/
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Expand Up @@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ function drush_pm_download_validate() {
function drush_pm_download() {
$package_handler = drush_get_option('package-handler', 'wget');
drush_include_engine('package_handler', $package_handler);
drush_include_engine('release_info', 'updatexml');

if (!$requests = pm_parse_arguments(func_get_args(), FALSE)) {
$requests = array('drupal');
Expand All @@ -82,63 +83,12 @@ function drush_pm_download() {
$requests = pm_parse_project_version($requests);

// Get release history for each request and download the project.
$project_types = pm_project_types();
$project_types_xpath = '(value="' . implode('" or value="', $project_types) . '")';
foreach ($requests as $name => $request) {
$xml = _drush_pm_get_release_history_xml($request);
if (!$xml) {
$release = release_info_fetch($request);
if ($release == FALSE) {

// Identify the most appropriate release.
$release = _pm_download_parse_release($request, $xml);
if (!$release) {

// Determine what type of project we are to download.
$request['project_type'] = 'module';
if ($types = $xml->xpath('/project/terms/term[name="Projects" and ' . $project_types_xpath . ']')) {
$request['project_type'] = array_search($types[0]->value, $project_types);

if ($request['project_type'] == 'translation') {
drush_set_error('DRUSH_PM_DOWNLOAD_TRANSLATIONS_FORBIDDEN', dt('Drush has dropped support for downloading translation projects. See l10n_update and l10n_install projects.'));

// Determine the name of the directory that will contain the project.
// We face here all the asymetries to make it smooth for package handlers.
// For Drupal core: --drupal-project-rename or drupal-x.y
if ($request['project_type'] == 'core') {
// Avoid downloading core into existing core.
if (strpos(realpath(drush_get_option('destination')), DRUPAL_ROOT) !== FALSE) {
drush_log(dt('It\'s forbidden to download !project core into an existing core.', array('!project' => $request['name'])), 'error');

if ($rename = drush_get_option('drupal-project-rename', FALSE)) {
if ($rename === TRUE) {
$request['project_dir'] = 'drupal';
else {
$request['project_dir'] = $rename;
else {
// Set to drupal-x.y, the expected name for .tar.gz contents.
// Explicitly needed for cvs package handler.
$request['project_dir'] = strtolower(strtr($release['name'], ' ', '-'));
// For the other project types we want the project name. Including core
// variant for profiles. Note those come with drupal-x.y in the .tar.gz.
else {
$request['project_dir'] = $request['name'];

// Download the project to a temporary location.
$request['base_project_path'] = drush_tempdir();
$request['full_project_path'] = $request['base_project_path'] .'/'. $request['project_dir'];
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -263,68 +213,6 @@ function _pm_download_releases_choice($xml, $project, $all = FALSE, $dev = FALSE
return $options;

* Pick most appropriate release from XML list.
* @param array $request
* An array of version specifications as returned by pm_parse_project_version().
* @param resource $xml
* A handle to the XML document.
function _pm_download_parse_release($request, $xml) {
if (!empty($request['version'])) {
$releases = $xml->xpath("/project/releases/release[status='published'][version='" . $request['version'] . "']");
if (empty($releases)) {
drush_log(dt("Could not locate specified project version, downloading latest stable version"), 'warning');
// If that did not work, we will get the first published release for the
// recommended major version.
if (empty($releases)) {
if ($recommended_major = $xml->xpath("/project/recommended_major")) {
$xpath_releases = "/project/releases/release[status='published'][version_major=" . (string)$recommended_major[0] . "]";
$releases = @$xml->xpath($xpath_releases);
// If there are recommended releases (no 'version_extra' elements), then use
// only recommended releases. Otherwise, use all; in this case, the
// recommended release defaults to the latest published release with the
// right recommended major version number.
$recommended_releases = array();
if (!empty($releases)) {
foreach ($releases as $one_release) {
if (!array_key_exists('version_extra', $one_release)) {
$recommended_releases[] = $one_release;
if (!empty($recommended_releases)) {
$releases = $recommended_releases;
$release_type = 'recommended';
if (drush_get_option('dev', FALSE)) {
$releases = @$xml->xpath("/project/releases/release[status='published'][version_extra='dev']");
$release_type = 'development';
if (drush_get_option('select', FALSE) || empty($releases)) {
if (empty($releases)) {
drush_print(dt('There is no !type release for project !project.', array('!type' => $release_type, '!project' => $request['name'])));
$options = _pm_download_releases_choice($xml, $request['name'], drush_get_option('all', FALSE), drush_get_option('dev', FALSE));
$choice = drush_choice($options, dt('Choose one of the available releases:'));
if ($choice) {
$releases = $xml->xpath("/project/releases/release[status='published'][version='" . $choice . "']");
else {
return FALSE;

// First published release for the recommended major version is just the
// first value in $releases.
return (array)$releases[0];

* Implementation of hook_drush_pm_download_destination_alter().
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -370,9 +258,9 @@ function pm_drush_pm_download_destination_alter(&$project, $release) {
// Change the location if the mkdir worked.
if (is_dir($install_dir)) {
$project['project_install_location'] = $install_dir;
// We need to clear the drush commandfile cache so that
// our newly-downloaded drush extension commandfiles can be found.
// We need to clear the drush commandfile cache so that
// our newly-downloaded drush extension commandfiles can be found.
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139 changes: 14 additions & 125 deletions commands/pm/
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Expand Up @@ -1116,95 +1116,6 @@ function drush_pm_releases() {
return $info;

* Obtain releases for a project's xml as returned by the update service.
function _drush_pm_get_releases_from_xml($xml, $project) {
// If bootstraped, we can obtain which is the installed release of a project.
static $installed_projects = FALSE;
if (!$installed_projects) {
$installed_projects = drush_get_projects();
else {
$installed_projects = array();

foreach (array('title', 'short_name', 'dc:creator', 'api_version', 'recommended_major', 'supported_majors', 'default_major', 'project_status', 'link') as $item) {
if (array_key_exists($item, $xml)) {
$value = $xml->xpath($item);
$project_info[$item] = (string)$value[0];

$recommended_major = @$xml->xpath("/project/recommended_major");
$recommended_major = empty($recommended_major)?"":(string)$recommended_major[0];
$supported_majors = @$xml->xpath("/project/supported_majors");
$supported_majors = empty($supported_majors)?array():array_flip(explode(',', (string)$supported_majors[0]));
$releases_xml = @$xml->xpath("/project/releases/release[status='published']");
$recommended_version = NULL;
$latest_version = NULL;
foreach ($releases_xml as $release) {
$release_info = array();
foreach (array('name', 'version', 'tag', 'version_major', 'version_extra', 'status', 'release_link', 'download_link', 'date', 'mdhash', 'filesize') as $item) {
if (array_key_exists($item, $release)) {
$value = $release->xpath($item);
$release_info[$item] = (string)$value[0];
$statuses = array();
if (array_key_exists($release_info['version_major'], $supported_majors)) {
$statuses[] = "Supported";
if ($release_info['version_major'] == $recommended_major) {
if (!isset($latest_version)) {
$latest_version = $release_info['version'];
// The first stable version (no 'version extra') in the recommended major
// is the recommended release
if (empty($release_info['version_extra']) && (!isset($recommended_version))) {
$statuses[] = "Recommended";
$recommended_version = $release_info['version'];
if (!empty($release_info['version_extra']) && ($release_info['version_extra'] == "dev")) {
$statuses[] = "Development";
foreach ($release->xpath('terms/term/value') as $release_type) {
// There are three kinds of release types that we recognize:
// "Bug fixes", "New features" and "Security update".
// We will add "Security" for security updates, and nothing
// for the other kinds.
if (strpos($release_type, "Security") !== FALSE) {
$statuses[] = "Security";
// Add to status whether the project is installed.
if (isset($installed_projects[$project])) {
if ($installed_projects[$project]['version'] == $release_info['version']) {
$statuses[] = dt('Installed');
$project_info['installed'] = $release_info['version'];
$release_info['release_status'] = $statuses;
$releases[$release_info['version']] = $release_info;
// If there is no -stable- release in the recommended major,
// then take the latest verion in the recommended major to be
// the recommended release.
if (!isset($recommended_version) && isset($latest_version)) {
$recommended_version = $latest_version;
$releases[$recommended_version]['release_status'][] = "Recommended";

$project_info['releases'] = $releases;
$project_info['recommended'] = $recommended_version;

return $project_info;

* Helper function for _drush_pm_filter_releases().
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1309,12 +1220,12 @@ function _drush_pm_get_releases($requests) {

// Get release history for each request.
foreach ($requests as $name => $request) {
$xml = _drush_pm_get_release_history_xml($request);
$xml = updatexml_get_release_history_xml($request);
if (!$xml) {

$project_info = _drush_pm_get_releases_from_xml($xml, $name);
$project_info = updatexml_get_releases_from_xml($xml, $name);
$info[$name] = $project_info;
return $info;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1681,6 +1592,16 @@ function pm_drush_engine_package_handler() {

* Used by dl and updatecode commands to determine how to download/checkout new projects and acquire updates to projects.
function pm_drush_engine_release_info() {
return array(
'updatexml' => array(

* Integration with VCS in order to easily commit your changes to projects.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1746,7 +1667,7 @@ function pm_drush_engine_version_control() {
* We use a simple object layer because we conceivably need more than one
* loaded at a time.
interface drush_pm_version_control {
interface drush_version_control {
function pre_update(&$project);
function rollback($project);
function post_update($project);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1791,43 +1712,11 @@ function drush_pm_include_version_control($directory = '.') {
return drush_set_error('DRUSH_PM_NO_VERSION_CONTROL', dt('No valid version control or backup engine found (the --version-control option was set to "!version-control").', array('!version-control' => $version_control)));

drush_include_engine('version_control', $version_control);
$class = 'drush_pm_version_control_' . $engine;
$instance = new $class();
$instance = drush_include_engine('version_control', $version_control);
$instance->engine = $engine;
return $instance;

* Download the release history xml for the specified request.
function _drush_pm_get_release_history_xml($request) {
// Don't rely on UPDATE_DEFAULT_URL since perhaps we are not fully
// bootstrapped.
$url = drush_get_option('source', '') . '/' . $request['name'] . '/' . $request['drupal_version'];
drush_log('Downloading release history from ' . $url);
// Some hosts have allow_url_fopen disabled.
if ($path = drush_download_file($url, drush_tempnam($request['name']), drush_get_option('cache-duration-releasexml', 24*3600))) {
$xml = simplexml_load_file($path);
if (!$xml) {
// We are not getting here since always serves an XML response.
return drush_set_error('DRUSH_PM_DOWNLOAD_FAILED', dt('Could not download project status information from !url', array('!url' => $url)));
if ($error = $xml->xpath('/error')) {
// Don't set an error here since it stops processing during site-upgrade.
drush_log($error[0], 'warning'); // 'DRUSH_PM_COULD_NOT_LOAD_UPDATE_FILE',
return FALSE;
// Unpublished project?
$project_status = $xml->xpath('/project/project_status');
if ($project_status[0][0] == 'unpublished') {
return drush_set_error('DRUSH_PM_PROJECT_UNPUBLISHED', dt("Project !project is unpublished and has no releases available.", array('!project' => $request['name'])), 'warning');

return $xml;

* Update the locked status of all of the candidate projects
* to be updated.
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