You can use this Library to fetch Data from the official RiotApi.
- League of Legends
- Valorant (TBD)
- Teamfight Tactics (TBD)
Add the repository to your project
<name>GitHub Packages</name>
Add the dependency to your project, replace {VERSION} with the current release
//Get your API Token from the Official RiotApi Website. You have to register an Application to get one.
RiotSettings settings = RiotSettings.builder().language(Language.de_DE).region(RiotRegion.EUW1).apiToken("TOKEN HERE").build();
LeagueOfLegendsClient client = LeagueOfLegendsClient.builder(settings).withChampionDownloader().withSummonerDownloader().withMatchDownloader().build();
List<Champion> allChampions = client.getChampionDownloader().getAllChampions();
List<Item> allItems = client.getItemDownloader().getAllItems();