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updated bgnetwork code including new plotting/analysis python modules…
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dunovank committed Jun 12, 2018
1 parent c49da59 commit 555c955
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Showing 32 changed files with 4,685 additions and 53 deletions.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
#!usr/bin/env python
import os
import glob
modules = glob.glob(os.path.dirname(__file__)+"/*.py")
__all__ = [ os.path.basename(f)[:-3] for f in modules]
_package_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
173 changes: 173 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
import os
import bgNetwork.netgen as ng
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

def print_results_summary(behavdf):
cond = behavdf.cond.iloc[0]
pLeft = behavdf.acc.mean()
corRT = behavdf[behavdf.acc==1].rtms.mean()
corMedRT = behavdf[behavdf.acc==1].rtms.median()
corRTvar = behavdf[behavdf.acc==1].rtms.sem()*2
errRT = 999.99; errRTvar = 0.0
if behavdf[behavdf.acc==0].shape[0]>1:
errRT = behavdf[behavdf.acc==0].rtms.mean()
errRTvar = behavdf[behavdf.acc==0].rtms.sem()*2
resultsSummary = 'Cond: {}\n\tMean CorRT:\t{:.2f} ({:.2f})\n\tMed CorRT:\t{:.2f}\n\tAvg ErrRT:\t{:.2f} ({:.2f})\n\tP(Left):\t{:.4f}'
print(resultsSummary.format(cond.upper(),corRT, corRTvar, corMedRT, errRT, errRTvar, pLeft))

def print_trial_acc_rt(results, t=0):
bdata = ng.findOutputs(results[t])['decision made']
rt = bdata['time']
if bdata['pathvals'] is not None:
acc = ['Error' if bdata['pathvals'][0] else 'Correct'][0]
return 1
return 0

def get_msn_rates(sdf):
dL = sdf[sdf['population']=='dMSN0'].reset_index(drop=True)
dR = sdf[sdf['population']=='dMSN1'].reset_index(drop=True)
iL = sdf[sdf['population']=='iMSN0'].reset_index(drop=True)
iR = sdf[sdf['population']=='iMSN1'].reset_index(drop=True)
dlx = dL.fillna(method='pad', axis=1).convert_objects(convert_numeric=True)
drx = dR.fillna(method='pad', axis=1).convert_objects(convert_numeric=True)
ilx = iL.fillna(method='pad', axis=1).convert_objects(convert_numeric=True)
irx = iR.fillna(method='pad', axis=1).convert_objects(convert_numeric=True)
return [dlx, drx, ilx, irx]

def get_avgMSN_traces(msnDFs, window=None):
rolltime = lambda df, w: df.rolling(w, axis=1).mean()
getMean = lambda df: df.groupby('cond2').mean().ix[:, 200:].values
getErr = lambda df: df.groupby('cond2').std().ix[:, 200:].values / 1.5
if window is not None:
msnDFs = [rolltime(msnPop, window) for msnPop in msnDFs]
ys = [getMean(msnPop) for msnPop in msnDFs]
ysErr = [getErr(msnPop) for msnPop in msnDFs]
return ys, ysErr

def get_single_trial_ratedf(spikedf, trial=0):
spikedf = spikedf.drop(columns=['cond', 'cond2'])
sdf = spikedf[spikedf.trial==trial].T.reset_index(drop=True)
sdf.columns = sdf.iloc[0, :].values
sdf = sdf.drop(0)
sdf = sdf.fillna(np.nan)
return sdf

def get_mean_firing_rates(spikedf, window=None):
avgdf = spikedf.groupby(['population']).mean().iloc[:, 1:].T.reset_index(drop=True)
return avgdf

def get_firing_rates(results, window=None, getavg=False, cond='test'):
dflist = []
condABC = {'low': 'a', 'med': 'b', 'high': 'c', 'test':'x'}
for i, res in enumerate(results):
ratedf = res['popfreqs']
if window is not None:
ratedf = ratedf.rolling(window).mean()
ratedf = ratedf.T
if ratedf.shape[1]==0:
ratedf.insert(0, 'trial', i)
sdf = pd.concat(dflist).reset_index()
sdf = sdf.rename(columns={'index':'population'})
sdf = rename_populations(sdf)
sdf.insert(1, 'cond2', condABC[cond])
sdf.insert(1, 'cond', cond)
if getavg:
return get_mean_firing_rates(sdf)
return sdf

def analyze_network_behavior(results, preset, stimArray, cond='test', outdir=None):
rtms, choice, acc, decisions = [], [], [], []
condABC = {'low': 'a', 'med': 'b', 'high': 'c'}
condLevel = {'low': 1, 'med': 2, 'high': 3, 'test': 0}
for result in results:
decisions.append(ng.findOutputs(result)['decision made'])
for decision in decisions:
if decision['pathvals'] is None:
elif decision['pathvals'] == [0]:
behav_arr = [np.asarray(arr) for arr in [choice, acc, rtms]]
behavdf = pd.DataFrame(dict(zip(['choice', 'acc', 'rtms'], behav_arr)))
behavdf['rtms'] = behavdf.rtms.values + 200
behavdf['rt'] = behavdf.rtms.values * .001
behavdf.insert(0, 'trial', np.arange(1, behavdf.shape[0]+1))
behavdf.insert(0, 'response', behavdf.acc.values)
behavdf.insert(0, 'cond', cond)
behavdf.insert(0, 'stim', stimArray[:behavdf.shape[0]])
behavdf.insert(0, 'subj_idx', 1)
behavdf['cond2'] = condABC[cond]
behavdf['level'] = condLevel[cond]
dL,dR = preset[0]['cxd']['mult']
iL,iR = preset[0]['cxi']['mult']
behavdf['wdL'] = dL
behavdf['wdR'] = dR
behavdf['wiL'] = iL
behavdf['wiR'] = iR
behavdf = behavdf[['subj_idx', 'cond', 'cond2', 'level', 'trial', 'stim', 'wdL', 'wiL', 'wdR', 'wiR', 'response', 'acc', 'choice', 'rtms', 'rt']]
if outdir is not None:
behavdfName = os.path.join(outdir,'cbgt_behavdf_{}.csv'.format(cond))
outdir = os.path.join(outdir, behavdfName)
behavdf.to_csv(behavdfName, index=False)
return behavdf

def make_wts_df(presets=None, conds=['low', 'med', 'high'], ntrials=1000):

if presets is None:
presetLow = [{'cxd': {'dest': [0, 1], 'mult': [1.02, 0.99], 'src': [0, 1]},
'cxi': {'dest': [0, 1], 'mult': [1.0, 1.0], 'src': [0, 1]}}]
presetMed = [{'cxd': {'dest': [0, 1], 'mult': [1.035, 0.98], 'src': [0, 1]},
'cxi': {'dest': [0, 1], 'mult': [1.0, 1.0], 'src': [0, 1]}}]
presetHi = [{'cxd': {'dest': [0, 1], 'mult': [1.045, 0.97], 'src': [0, 1]},
'cxi': {'dest': [0, 1], 'mult': [1.0, 1.0], 'src': [0, 1]}}]
presets = [presetLow, presetMed, presetHi]

condlist, dleft, dright, ileft, iright = [], [], [], [], []
for i, pre in enumerate(presets):
dL,dR = pre[0]['cxd']['mult']
iL,iR = pre[0]['cxi']['mult']
weightdf = pd.DataFrame({'cond':condlist, 'wdL': dleft, 'wiL':ileft, 'wdR':dright, 'wiR':iright})[['cond', 'wdL', 'wiL', 'wdR', 'wiR']]
return weightdf

def rename_populations(sdf):
popNames = []
oldPopNames = sdf.population.unique().tolist()
for pop in oldPopNames:
poplist = pop.split('_')
if len(poplist)==2:
popName = poplist[0]
popName = ''.join(poplist[:2])
if 'D1STR' in popName:
popName = 'dMSN'+popName[-1]
elif 'D2STR' in popName:
popName = 'iMSN'+popName[-1]
elif 'STNE' in popName:
popName = 'STN'+popName[-1]
elif 'GPeP' in popName:
popName = 'GPe'+popName[-1]
elif 'Time (ms)' in popName:
popName = 'time'

sdfNew = sdf.replace({'population': dict(zip(oldPopNames, popNames))})
return sdfNew
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.

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