【字节Lark】- 基础架构中一些规范:git流程规范、IDL描述文件规范和管理、中间件选型使用规范、RPC通信框架设计和规范、服务治理、service mesh/服务网格、serverless/无服务化函数计算、k8s下的云原生、kernel内核虚拟化
A useful collection of CPP and PYTHON examples to learn ROS2 from zero
Yet another cross-platform graphical process/system monitor.
Cista is a simple, high-performance, zero-copy C++ serialization & reflection library.
A C++ header-only HTTP/HTTPS server and client library
A fast multi-producer, multi-consumer lock-free concurrent queue for C++11
🚀 Kick-start your C++! A template for modern C++ projects using CMake, CI, code coverage, clang-format, reproducible dependency management and much more.
libco is a coroutine library which is widely used in wechat back-end service. It has been running on tens of thousands of machines since 2013.
2021年最新整理, C++ 学习资料,含C++ 11 / 14 / 17 / 20 / 23 新特性、入门教程、推荐书籍、优质文章、学习笔记、教学视频等
🔥简洁易用的C++11网络库 / 支持单机千万并发连接 / a simple C++11 network server framework
🔥 比libevent/libuv/asio更易用的网络库。A c/c++ network library for developing TCP/UDP/SSL/HTTP/WebSocket/MQTT client/server.
This repo contains the code for running a websocket server using the POCO C++ libraries. Two html files are also given to demonstrate.
C/C++ server and network library, including coroutine,redis client,http/https/websocket,mqtt, mysql/postgresql/sqlite client with C/C++ for Linux, Android, iOS, MacOS, Windows, etc..
The POCO C++ Libraries are powerful cross-platform C++ libraries for building network- and internet-based applications that run on desktop, server, mobile, IoT, and embedded systems.
这是一个 Nginx 极简教程,目的在于帮助新手快速入门 Nginx。
A lightweight concurrent server framework based on Golang.
「Golang学习+面试指南」一份涵盖大部分 Golang程序员所需要掌握的核心知识。准备 Golang面试,首选 GolangGuide!