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Vite TypeScript Starter

A simple starter project for creating web applications using Vite and TypeScript.


  • Vite for fast development and efficient bundling
  • TypeScript support
  • CSS Modules with SCSS support
  • Environment variable loading
  • Prettier and ESLint for code formatting and linting
  • Stylelint for CSS and SCSS linting
  • Built-in development server and preview server


To use this starter project as a base for your application, click the "Use this template" button on the GitHub repository page. This will create a new repository based on this template.

Once you have created your repository, clone it to your local machine:

git clone
cd your-repo
npm install

Replace with the actual URL of your repository.


Modify the source files in the src folder to build your application, then use the following scripts to develop, build, and preview your project:


Start the development server:

npm run dev

This will start the development server on port 3000 by default.


Build the application for production:

npm run build

This will compile the TypeScript files and bundle the application using Vite, outputting the result in the dist folder.


Preview the production build:

npm run preview

This will start a preview server on port 3000, serving the content from the dist folder.

Code Formatting and Linting

Format the code using Prettier:

npm run format

Lint the TypeScript code using ESLint:

npm run lint

Lint the CSS and SCSS code using Stylelint:

npm run lint:style

Environment Variables

Use environment variables by adding .env files to your project root. The file format should be .env.[mode], where [mode] is either development, production, or any other custom mode you define.

Vite will load the environment variables based on the current mode. All variables should be prefixed with VITE_ to be exposed in the client-side code.

For example, create a .env.development file for development mode:


And a .env.production file for production mode:


In your code, access the environment variable like this:



This project is licensed under the MIT License.