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@tgamblin tgamblin tagged this 14 Mar 03:48

5 new packages since 0.8.15:
 - cram
 - metis
 - otf
 - ravel
 - scotch
 - Fix for SAMRAI fetch URL.

For packagers
  - MPICH now sets up MPICH_CC, MPICH_CXX, etc. in dependent environment
    so that dependency builds use Spack compiler wrappers.
  - Simpler build error messages on fail (no more python stacktrace)
  - Disable CMake policy warnings in `std_cmake_args`.
  - Remove superfluous compiler wrapper links (g++ link interfered with icpc)
  - Several new packaging helper functions:
    - `install_tree`
    - `traverse_tree`
    - `force_symlink`
Assets 2