100 new packages since 0.8.11:
Mitos gtkplus mpfr py-matplotlib py-shiboken
R harfbuzz mpibash py-mpi4py py-sip
atk icu muster py-mx py-six
bison icu4c nasm py-nose py-sympy
bzip2 isl netcdf py-numpy py-virtualenv
cairo jdk nettle py-pexpect python
cloog lcms pango py-pil qhull
dbus libdrm pcre py-pmw qt
dri2proto libffi pixman py-pychecker qthreads
flex libgcrypt ppl py-pygments readline
gasnet libgpg-error py-basemap py-pylint rose
gcc libjpeg-turbo py-biopython py-pyparsing ruby
gdk-pixbuf libmng py-cython py-pyqt tcl
geos libxcb py-dateutil py-pyside tk
git libxml2 py-epydoc py-pytz util-linux
glib libxshmfence py-gnuplot py-rpy2 vtk
gmp libxslt py-h5py py-scientificpython wget
gnutls memaxes py-ipython py-scikit-learn xcb-proto
gperf mesa py-libxml2 py-scipy xz
gperftools mpc py-mako py-setuptools yasm
For users
- Support for Python and Python extensions.
- Python extensions can be activated/deactivated in an installation.
- Updated documentation
- Clearer 'spack find' output
- Bugfixes for mirroring
- Graphing dependencies with spack graph
- ROSE Compiler (http://rosecompiler.org)
- New commands:
- spack extensions
- spack activate
- spack deactivate
- spack clean (behaves like old clean -d)
- spack restage (behaves like old clean -w)
For packagers
- Package extensions, e.g.: extends('python')
- Extensible activation/deactivation of extensions
- Dependencies can set variables/build options for dependents
- setup_dependent_environment()
- Support fetch URLs with query strings.
- New commands:
- spack env
- spack graph