- PyTorch implementation of our work published in ICRA2019
- Support data from Velodyne HDL64E(S2,S3), HDL32E and VLP16 sensor
- Linux (tested on Ubuntu 16.04)
- Python 3.5+
- PyTorch 0.3.1+
- Opencv
Build tools library (to convert LiDAR packet data into 2D matrix or reconstruct packet data back) by running the following command:
cd tools/src/
cd ../
catkin_make -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
Download training data from here or use you own data.
Make sure rosbags have /velodyne_packets topic and copy them to /training_data.
cd training_data
to build the trainging data.
Each frame of point cloud from LiDAR is decomposed into a 2D intensity matrix (.png unrelated to our compression) and a
rotation angle vector (.txt can be further compressed into a few bits by run length code) and a distance matrix (.png
our main target and input of network)
cd network
python training.py
Here we provide an example of compression and decompression. We provide 32 frames' LiDAR data from Velodyne HDL32E sensor in network/Evaluation/raw_decompose
- Compression and decompression
All frames are compressed using max number (32) of interval, while decompressed from 10 to max number of interval.
- Reconstruction to point cloud (.pcd) file
- 1zb/pytorch-image-comp-rnn: Our network's code references this work