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provide a general motion for block text-objects with highlight!


After initial load, gmotion will automatically parse the current buffer, if it finds any block text-object (like ""、[]、''、()、<>, {}...) in current line, it will highlight the prefix and the suffix part of the text-object. By default, only "", [], '', (), <>, {} surrounded text-object are defined, you can define your own text-object, see[Custom](# Custom Configuration) for more details and limitations.

g As General Motion

If you familiar with vim's text-objects, than you must be used to using these ci(di{ci"ya[ quick motions, however, sometimes you may find it takes a bit time to determine which key to press, not to mention ({<" are far from fingers. This is where gmotion help you out, instead of typing i(i{a[a<, typing ig and ag will work the same. With highlighted prefix and surffix, you can easily tell which text-object is on operation.

ig and ag example: ig and ag

gh And gl As Move and Motion

By typing gh or gl, you can move quickily to the left or right part of the text-object gh_gl

Quick Change or Delete

gmotion also help you change or delete text-objects's prefix and surffix. grd

Custom Configuration

Add Your Text-Object

By chaning the g:gmotion_pair in your .vimrc, you can add or delete text-objects,

let g:gmotion_pair = [
    \ ['(', ')'],
    \ ['[', ']'],
    \ ['{', '}'],
    \ ['<', '>'],
    \ ['"', '"'],
    \ ["'", "'"],
    \ ['`', '`']]

Change Highligh Group

You can also cutomize the highlight group gmotion use, just by assinging your hlgroup to g:gmotion_highligh_group

let g:gmotion_highligh_group = 'MatchParen'


For Vim-Plug

Add following line in the plug section in your .vimrc

Plug 'Chen-Rong-Zi/gmotion.vim', { 'do': { -> popup_notification(['Gmotion Installed'], {'time': 1000})} }

source your .vimrc and :PlugInstall, you may notice the popup notification window that says 'Gmotion Installed'


a general motion for block text-objects






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