Ever find yourself checking the results page multiple times a day checking if any of the schools you applied to are giving out acceptances?
Now you can use all that wasted time to obsessively refresh your email or fiddle with your samples and ruin any chance they'll grow the crystals you need! (Or whatever it is that non-chemists do when nervous)
You'll have to define your target schools (partial/city names are ok) and field of study.
Uncomment the GNOME or email notification sections if you want anything fancier than a text output.
If you're a Linux or Mac nerd and want to run it regularly via cron, just fill in the path variable. Be mindful of your rate, don't overload their servers; any quicker than hourly is likely overkill anyway.
TODO: (as in I won't actually get around to it)
Add SMS notifications with twilio.
Use a separate file for input to circumvent code editing. You'll probably wanna learn python to help with your Ph.D. anyway.