IDA's Lumina feature, reimplemented for Binary Ninja. This fork adds a few main things:
- Error handling
- Instructions on how to use
- It doesn't overwrite user/signature-defined functions
- Demangles functions
- Removal of a non-working feature
I edited the readme... a lot.
- Use Linux.
- Clone this repo into your $HOME/.binaryninja/plugins folder.
- cd to the cloned folder.
- Run
/usr/bin/python3.11 -m pip --isolated --disable-pip-version-check install --upgrade --upgrade-strategy only-if-needed --target $HOME/.binaryninja/python311/site-packages -r requirements.txt
(Note that this command might not work on your computer; consider using just "python," ensuring pip is installed, or replacing $home with your actual home). - Now it should be able to launch, if it can't, please open an issue.
- Launch Binary Ninja.
- Go to settings.
- Search for "lumina."
- You can configure it if you have an IDA license. If you don't, keep reading.
- In the host field, enter "," and set the port to 1235. Download this cert, and enter the path to it (like /home/h/Downloads/hexrays.crt) under "lumina cert." (Note: There are not many people who use Lumen, here's a small list of people who do: people who use cracked versions of IDA, people who have expired IDA licenses, and people like you who use plugins like these!)
- Relaunch Binary Ninja.
- Open a binary.
- Go to plugins, Lumina, pull all metadata, and it should do something!
- Use windows
- Clone this repo into your C:\Users<user>\AppData\Roaming\Binary Ninja\plugins
- cd to the cloned folder.
- Install git
- Run
:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Vector35\BinaryNinja\plugins\python\python.exe -m pip --isolated --disable-pip-version-check install --upgrade --upgrade-strategy only-if-needed --target "C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Binary Ninja\python310\site-packages" -r requirements.txt
- Now it should be able to launch. If it can't, please open an issue.
- Launch Binary Ninja.
- Go to settings.
- Search for "lumina."
- You can configure it if you have an IDA license. If you don't, keep reading.
- In the host field, enter "," and set the port to 1235. Download this cert, and enter the path to it (like /home/h/Downloads/hexrays.crt) under "lumina cert." (Note: There are not many people who use Lumen, here's a small list of people who do: people who use cracked versions of IDA, people who have expired IDA licenses, and people like you who use plugins like these!)
- Relaunch Binary Ninja.
- Open a binary.
- Go to plugins, Lumina, pull all metadata, and it should do something!
- Use MacOS.
- Clone this repo into your ~/Library/Application Support/Binary Ninja/plugins/.
- cd to the cloned folder.
- Run
python3.10 -m pip --isolated --disable-pip-version-check install --upgrade --upgrade-strategy only-if-needed --target ~/Library/Application\ Support/Binary\ Ninja/python310/site-packages -r ~/Library/Application\ Support/Binary\ Ninja/plugins/lumina-binja-improved/requirements.txt
- Make sure Rosetta is installed, and run Binary Ninja with Rosetta on. here is the toturial.
- Now it should be able to launch, if it can't, please open an issue.
- Launch Binary Ninja.
- Go to settings.
- Search for "lumina."
- You can configure it if you have an IDA license. If you don't, keep reading.
- In the host field, enter "," and set the port to 1235. Download this cert, and enter the path to it (like /home/h/Downloads/hexrays.crt) under "lumina cert." (Note: There are not many people who use Lumen, here's a small list of people who do: people who use cracked versions of IDA, people who have expired IDA licenses, and people like you who use plugins like these!)
- Relaunch Binary Ninja.
- Open a binary.
- Go to plugins, Lumina, pull all metadata, and it should do something!
- If you want to override ALL functions (not the default, which is only overriding things that start with sub_) go to at line 120 and follow the instructions given.
- Tested on binary ninja 3.5-stable & 3.6-dev
- Tested with python 3.11
- Compatible with existing public Lumina databases (both official1 and unofficial), including TLS support
- Signatures largely match IDA's implementation, enabling cross-disassembler collaboration (~85% accuracy, including discrepancies in analysis between disassemblers)
- Supported Architectures:
- x86 / x86_64
- Supported metadata types:
- function names
- comments
- instruction level comments
- function level comments
- function type info (currently parsing only)
- calling conventions
- generic conventions
- return type
- parameter types
- stack frame info
- variable names
- variable offsets and sizes
- variable types
- calling conventions
- All type info is supported, except structs and enums due to limitations of the current Lumina specification
Please note that this uses SSL/TLS protocol version TLSv1, and it's not secure or something idrk. If anyone is mitming your network, don't use this.
- Lumen for most of the RPC protocol reversing
- Synactiv's blog for a high-level overview of how Lumina works
- Me for fixing stuff
Maple Bacon maintainers:
- @nneonneo for metadata reversing and implementation
- @desp for signature generation and tinfo reversing, and stitching everything together
Provided that you have specified a valid IDA license file as the key file in the settings, along with the valid certificate to connect to
. ↩