BDD test example to scan the Guardr page on from Jenkins
Example BDD test of Guardr project page
Assumes the following are installed and working
- Jenkins
- Jenkins plugins
- Jenkins Workspace Cleanup Plugin
- Drush
Install the Github plugin for Jenkins
Install Composer using Drush
sudo drush dl composer-8.x-1.0-alpha10
sudo 755 /usr/share/drush/commands/composer
sudo find /usr/share/drush/commands/composer -type f -exec chmod 644 \{} \;
sudo find /usr/share/drush/commands/composer -type d -exec chmod 755 \{} \;
Create a new job in Jenkins
Discard old builds
- Set something so it doesn't go infiniately
Github project:
Source Code Management: Git
- Repository URL: git://
- Branches to build: master
Build Environment
- Delete workspace before build starts
- Execute shell
drush cache-clear drush
drush composer install
- Post-build Actions
- Delete workspace when build is done