This is intended to be a web site which will help people playing Might and Magic 3 Isles of Terra:
- Evaluate the equipment they carry
- Write quick notes
- Have all of the maps
- Keyboard Shortcuts
The scenario which caused me to create this page was one which happens a lot, I play the game, get into a dungeon or just kill many baddies and get lots of loot, I then go to the nearest town to equip each character with the best equipment (weapon and\or armor) and sell all of the rest.
The above scenario is a nightmare where I need to make many calculations and comparisons between the equipment I carry and it takes too much time.
So, although I do appreciate this aspect of the game (I really do), I still think that an equipment calculator like this one might come in handy for many players (I hope you still play this amazing game).
- Equipment Calculator: Just choose the equipment type and the material from which it was created and you will get the information you need.
- Quick Notes: Write quick notes and click save, they will still be there the next time you play
- Maps: Maps of every city, dungeon and outer areas is present, use them as you progress through the game
- Keyboard Shortcuts: List of keyboard shortcuts straight from the manual
I used Aaron Shanon's article as well as Stephen's article where they write down all of the various stats
I tried to remove as many complications as I could (Advanced players will be mad at me here), so, for example if a Katana does 4-12 damage, I just took the average of 8 ((4 + 12) / 2). Another simplification I have done here was adding the damage bonus to the hit bonus of the material, so if for example you have a gold weapon which has a hit bonus of 4, and damage bonus of 8, I have added 12 (4 + 8) to the damage score.
So a gold katana will get a damage score of 20 (8 damage average + 12 gold damage = 20).
This page can be found live on my site, Dos Games Hub
Images of the different tabs